Gray - 26

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"Stand down, Vixens," Cheryl said, stopping the music in the middle of the routine. The girls were in the gym for cheer practice, preparing for the pep rally.

"And listen up. The weather's predicting a downpour the night of the rally, but already, you're raining on my parade," Cheryl continued, causing Alice to smile at her comment.

Sometimes, Alice wished Cheryl was different, wished Cheryl would be a queen bee without the stinger. It was a part of who Cheryl was though, the calculating, manipulative part of her that allowed her to shape how the world viewed her. And yet, Alice also knew another side to Cheryl. A side of Cheryl where she wasn't constantly appearing perfect, where she could make mistakes and laugh at them. Alice often wondered if Cheryl actually liked her, or whether she was just another pawn to her, just a piece in her game.  

And yet, Alice wondered if she was actually much better than Cheryl. She was, in all honesty, using the girl, to find out more about what had happened to Jason. After Jason's death, Alice had gone through a reform, much like Veronica had after her father's arrest. Alice had gotten caught up in popularity last year, started hanging out with the Blossom twins. But now, in tenth grade, she was making amends, or at least trying to, because Alice did not want to be a stuck up, conceited bitch like Veronica used to be, nor did she want to be a lying manipulator with no remorse like Cheryl.

Alice sighed, running her hands through her curly, black hair as Cheryl continued speaking.

".. that said, I need star power," Alice heard the redheaded girl say, "I need Josie. Stay loose and limber, ladies, while I make a call."

"Alice," Veronica said, "You okay?"

Alice tried to resist rolling her eyes, doubting that Veronica actually cared.

"I've just got a lot on my mind..." She told her coldly, not willing to elaborate further.

Veronica looked at her oddly, probably wondering why Alice had been so short with her lately, but decided to drop the matter for now.

"After this practice, I'll totally need a pedicure. You guys in?" Veronica asked hopefully.

"Busy," Alice told her, although truthfully she just couldn't be bothered to do anything with Veronica that she didn't have to.

Betty just straight up ignored her, deciding not responding would be best.

"I know everybody grieves differently," Veronica continued, ignoring the silence she'd gotten, "but Cheryl's hosting a pep rally to cope with her loss. That's either brilliant, or psychotic, or both."

Alice couldn't bring herself to say anything in Cheryl's defense, because she actually agreed with Veronica. Seriously though, who throws an entire pep rally after the death of their twin? Alice thought to herself.

"Yeah, well, at least Cheryl's not putting on an act. Pretending she's a butterfly when really she's a wasp," Betty said, speaking to Veronica for the first time all practice.

"Was that supposed to be deep or something?" Alice questioned aloud, "Because it didn't really make any sense...."

Veronica stared at Betty quizzically for a few moments, before looking away.

"For the record, the only reason I went into that closet with Archie was so that Cheryl wouldn't," Veronica said.

"Oh, so you did it to protect me?" Betty said sarcastically.  

"Damn straight," Veronica retorted, getting fired up.

"Okay, so nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet, then?" Betty said in an accusing tone as she stood up.

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