Green - 38

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Alice was very ready to go through with whatever Veronica's plan was. She was angry too, fueled by her general hate of bullies like Reggie, who just so happened to be Chuck's close friend, as well as the fact that Chuck had came after Veronica, one of Alice's best friends, and she was not about to let that go.

Betty, on the other hand, was a bit more hesitant to go 'full dark, no stars', as Veronica had put it. Ever since Veronica moved to Riverdale, she had been doing things that she never would've done before, going far out of her comfort zone. She had become a RiverVixen, she had confessed her feelings for Archie, she had even stood up to her mother. But now, Veronica was doing something completely crazy, something unheard of.

She was going into the boys locker room.

"Excuse me," Veronica said as she and Alice pushed through the crowded locker room, filled with boys who half-dressed. Betty followed them, covering her eyes as she blushed madly.

"Veronica?" Archie asked incredulously, the boy being slightly surprised to find the three girls in the boys locker room. "W-what are you guys doing here?"

"Don't worry about it," said Veronica as she tried to walk forward, before Archie stopped her. "I mean it, Andrews! Hit the showers and stay out of my way!"

Alice and Veronica kept going, with Betty staying close behind as she tried to keep her eyes locked onto the tile floor.

Soon, Veronica found Chuck, who was talking to some guy that Alice didn't recognize. Veronica cleared her throat, causing Chuck to turn around.

"Huh, A, B and V. Menage a right on. Ladies..." Chuck said, making the guys laugh while Alice rolled her eyes.

Veronica held up the phone, saying, "This is disgusting. Take it down."

"Oh, woah, why are you so wound up?" Chuck asked, as though Veronica has no reason to be upset. "It's a badge of honor, and you're not exactly virgin territory after your closet date with Andrews."

"That's irrelevant, Clayton. Just take the damn photo down." Alice demanded.

Chuck looked as though he was going to respond, but Betty spoke up before he had the chance.

"You're not allowed to go around humiliating girls, for any reason, under any circumstances, you jerk." Betty said.

"Look, I get you're not a closet kind of girl," Chuck said, his signature smirk present on his face, "but hey, if you wanna ride the Chuck Wagon, that can be arranged."

Veronica scoffed at Chuck's "offer" for Betty.

"Let's keep this simple, so that your preppy-murderer half-brain can grasp it," Veronica said, "Take. This. The. Hell. Down."

"Okay, that high-toned bitch attitude may have worked on the betas you dated in New York, but you're in Bulldog territory."

The boys barked, before laughing. Alice scoffed, rolling her eyes at the idiots.

"Are you always this arrogant, or are you just making a special effort today?" Alice asked annoyed.

"Well, look who's talking, little miss privileged," Chuck taunted, "Why don't you run back to Cheryl? I'm sure she's missing her pet."

"You know Chuck, your lips keep moving but all I hear is you being a whiny bitch. Just take the damn photo down," Alice said, the last part coming out cold as ice. 

Chuck clenched his jaw, before forcing a laugh. "You're making a mistake, but please, fight back."

Chuck began to walk away, looking at Veronica as he said, "You'll only make it harder on yourself."

Alice, Veronica, and Betty left the locker room, each of the girls' brains filled with ideas of retaliation.



-woah! two chapters, one day? wow!-

-lmao hey guys. hope you enjoyed this chapter :)-

-qotd: how are you?-

-aotd: i'm really kind of upset bc my crush likes my friend so, i just want to scream, but other than that i'm doing okay-

-vote/comment/follow pleaseeee it gives me validation bc i need attention constantly-

EDIT: lowkey forgot to mention this but, if you're one of those ppl who's good at editing and you know how to make those fake instagram profiles (you know what i'm talking about) then please pm! <3  

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