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a/n - ....so, i haven't updated this story since october.... i'm literally such a mess and i'm very sorry!!! thank you to anyone who reads this, thank you to anyone who's been putting up with my hiatus <3

Today was the day. Jason's memorial. Alice almost couldn't believe it. Somehow, the memorial made it feel real. Jason was dead, and he was not coming back. Alice felt almost guilty as she got ready for the dreaded event. On the day that Jason died, Alice was still angry at him, for putting his relationship with Polly before their friendship. And then, she had seen Archie with Miss Grundy, all while Jason was out there, taking his last breaths.

She took a deep breath, trying to put all of that behind her. Today was a new day, after all. A day to remember the life of Jason Blossom. Alice heard her phone buzz, and when she picked it up, she saw that she had a text message from Jughead. It read:

"hey alice, betty and i came up with a plan for today. we've got to investigate the blossom house, and jason's room for clues. you in?"

Alice frowned slightly as she read it.  I mean, Alice thought to herself, why had Betty helped him come up with the plan? After all, I'm the one that knew Jason best.  She tried to reassure herself, but deep down, she couldn't help feeling she a little bit jealous...

Nonetheless she replied, telling him that she would be glad to help. She tried to ignore the confusing feelings that she felt as she left her house, and made her way to the memorial.


The memorial started off as any other does. Alice sat down next to Betty and Jughead, who were talking about the Riverdale High newspaper. Everyone in the room was wearing black, including Alice. 

But then, Cheryl Blossom arrived.

Alice was certain that Cheryl was relishing in the surprised looks on everyone's faces

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Alice was certain that Cheryl was relishing in the surprised looks on everyone's faces. Some people gasped, others stood up in shock, but Alice just smiled, watching Cheryl closely.

Cheryl's parents were noticeable horrified as Cheryl began, "Welcome to Thornhill, and thank you all for coming

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Cheryl's parents were noticeable horrified as Cheryl began, "Welcome to Thornhill, and thank you all for coming... if you'll kindly take your seats, I'd like to start the memorial, with a few words about Jason..."

"The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible," Cheryl said, "but when I put it on, it... It feels like he's in the room with me."

"Even though we were twins," she continued, "I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year, out of the blue, Jason convinced me that we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until years later, I found out why. It was because no one wanted to come to mine, and Jason didn't want me to know... he protected me," she said, tears welling up in her eyes, "I wish that day, at the river, that I had protected him... I'm so sorry JJ! We failed you, all of us..."

Tears flowed from Cheryl's eyes as she placed her hands onto the casket. Alice went over to Cheryl and hugged her.

 Alice went over to Cheryl and hugged her

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Then Mrs. Blossom declared that it was time for a light supper, so Alice, Jughead, and Betty made their escape to start their investigation.

Alice lead them to Jason's room quickly. They began looking around, searching for any possible information, when suddenly a female voice said, "Hello." It was Nana Rose, Cheryl and Jason's grandmother, who had been sitting in the corner of the room.

"I-I'm so sorry," Betty said quickly.

Alice nodded, adding, "We were just leaving."

"Oh, its you two. How lovely to see the two of you again again!" Rose said, happily. "Come closer dears, I want to get a good look at you."

"The horror," Jughead whispered quietly as he hid himself behind the two girls.

Alice took a few steps forward, but Betty lagged behind, prompting Rose to say, "Come closer, Polly dear." 

Betty and Alice exchanged a quick look, nervously.

"It's nice to see you again, too." Betty said shakily. "I'm sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances."

"Oh, it's alright. I'm just pleased to see you and Allison together again... such nice girls," Rose murmured quietly, not noticing Alice cringing at the sound of her full name, before taking Betty's hands into her own, "Oh, of course you're not wearing it. God Bless!"

"Wearing what?" Betty asked.

"The ring, Polly!" Rose said harshly, "That ring has been in the Blossom family for generations.  You keep it close to your heart, always. But don't tell Penelope I gave it to you... or she'll likely come and snip it off your finger!"

"I- I won't, I promise," Betty stammered. 

"Such a shame," Rose said, "I was excited for the wedding... Oh, Allison, sweet girl... I often thought Jason should marry you...Ah, well, I've lost a grandson, but you, you've lost a true friend, and Polly, you've lost the love of your young life.... Poor child."

Betty suddenly freak out, overwhelmed with new knowledge, and ran from the room, with Alice and Jughead following close behind her.

a/n - so... i'm back.. and i'm actually feeling really motivated to write more, and i just want to thank everyone who comments on my writing because that definitely helped motivate me also.

also, does anyone here watch supernatural? let me know if you do, as i've been getting realy into spn recently and have considered writing a story about it :)

that's pretty much it, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, feel free to give me feedback, ily <3

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