Red - 51

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After what felt like forever, despite only being a few moments, she pulled away, breaking the kiss. Unable to process what had just occurred, she just looked at him, eyes widened in confusion.

"Jug," Alice murmured in a hushed tone, just above a whisper. Her eyes didn't meet his gaze as she went over what had happened.

"I'm sorry, Alice, I-I should not have done that, I don't know what came over me..." He trailed off, and his words only created more questions for Alice's mind.

"It's alright... it was just in the heat of the moment," Alice reassured, although she wasn't quite sure if she believed herself. 

"Definitely," agreed Jughead, the lie leaving his lips with ease.

Although the two teens didn't know it, across town, Archie's lies were about to become undone, and slowly, so would some of the small town's secrets.

"Never thought that I would live to see the day," Mrs. Cooper hissed maliciously, "I thought that the one thing we could keep out of Riverdale safe from was child predators."

"Miss Grundy's not a predator," Archie insisted, but the words felt sour, as he recalled his earlier conversation with Alice. "She's a good person."

"Archie, you don't have to defend me," Miss Grundy said, not turning to face him. 

"She's right," Fred Andrews told them, "He doesn't." 

"Well, not denying it, are they?" Mrs. Cooper jeered, while Betty watched in horror as her best friend was exposed because of her. "They're clearly guilty, I think the next step is we take this to Sheriff Kelller and let the wheels of justice take care of them."

"Dad, you cannot let that happen," Archie pleaded, but his father's face looked anything but sympathetic. 

"Son, it's complicated-"

"She didn't force me to anything! I went after her, everything that happened, I wanted to happen-"

"Well," Mrs. Cooper interjected, "there's no surprise there."

Tensions were high, and sympathy was low. Betty looked distraught, on the verge of tears, as she watched the event unfold. It seemed as though her mother's comments had driven her off the edge, as she spoke up for the first time since arriving. 

"Mom, why are you doing this?" Betty quavered, her eyes watering. "Putting Miss Grundy on trial?" 

"Honey this isn't just about her. This is about him," Mrs. Cooper said harshly, pointing at Archie, "I want you to see what kind of person Archie truly is."

"Is that what this is about? Your crazy grudge against my teenaged son?" Fred inquired, beginning to question Mrs. Cooper.

"I'm never going to stop being friends with Archie, Mom, ever." Betty insisted, while her mother looked at her with disgust.

"We are done here," Fred said, taking his son's arm.

"Oh, we are far from done!" Mrs. Cooper argued.

"SHUT UP! Please..." Archie said loudly, successfully getting the attention from everyone in the room. "You're right, Mrs. Cooper, you're right. I'm...I'm selfish, and I'm stupid, and I don't deserve to be your daughter's friend... but, please, don't hurt Betty or Miss Grundy because you want to hurt me."

"This isn't about hurting anyone, Archie," Mrs. Cooper said heroically, as though she was doing Riverdale some great deed, "It's about doing what's right."

"And, of course, informing our neighbors," she added, making Fred roll his eyes.

"I swear to god," The older Andrews began to speak, but Mrs. Cooper quickly cut him off. 

"You swear to god wha-"

"You do this, Mom, and I'll tell everyone that I broke into Miss Grundy's car," Betty threatened.


"That I robbed her. And made up the story of their affair. It'll be like... I finally snapped. Like Polly." 

Mrs. Cooper opened her mouth to speak, but Betty cut her off before she could.

"It'll prove what everyone already thinks about us, 'crazy runs in that family'."

"You wouldn't dare-" Mrs. Cooper started to threaten, when someone spoke up.

"I'll quit. I'll quit my job, will that satisfy you?" Miss Grundy asked, looking at Betty's mother.

"She has to leave town." Mrs. Cooper stated calmly.

"Like hell-" Archie started, but his father cut him off.

"Son, y-"

"Why does she have to leave town?" Archie asked in a demanding tone.

"Because it's what's best."

And in that very moment, it was decided. One of Riverdale's secrets had unfolded that night, but another one had just begun forming...









-i'm so sorry... i just, i really couldn't bring myself to write for like, 3 weeks. i was overwhelmed with the 'new chapter every day', and so i just kind of overdosed on riverdale, and needed a break. i'm going to upload one chapter every three days, and occasionally 2 chapters every three days if i'm feeling motivated.

-so.... some stuff happened with jughead and alice.... and there's a lot more coming soon!-

-idk i just really love you guys a whole lot. hope you know that.-

-qotd: since i haven't heard from you guys in a hot minute, i just wanna know how you are? what's up? tell me about you day, or your week so far. tell me about how your friend got a new cat and you thought it was really cute. tell me anything!-

-aotd: my week has been okay. my phone actually got stolen today but i'm not that upset bc my mom said she'd get me a new one. there's this guy who's 2 years older than me and he keeps bothering me and calling me names so idk he's p rude. got in touch with my old friend jamie recently, which was rlly cool-

-ILY GUYS DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW ME sarcasticandbored -


-okay byeee-

ALICE → jughead jones {riverdale}Where stories live. Discover now