Forever Young

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It's been a busy few days with me and the guys. Tomorrow I'm able to go with them to an awards ceremony. Currently, we are getting a fitting for our outfits then we are getting a bite to eat since we've been eating rice because we have been so tired, once I was so tired I ended up falling asleep in between V and Jimin. I woke up in Jimin's bed which was super embarrassing. "Please turn left a bit dear" I listened and turned to get my dress adjusted since my body is a bit curvier. "A bit to the right now Hun" I obliged and did as I was told. The dress was cute yet sexy as Kim puts it, It's a navy blue and black dress. Lengthwise it's short in the front and long in the back with pockets it's very classy.

"Hey Y/N we are all done here" Jimin came into the room and stood in the doorway. "U-um wow ah well, e-everyone is waiting for you" as he was speaking everyone came shoving their head in the doorway. "Wow! Y/N the dress really looks nice" I smiled feeling the red tint in my cheeks. "T-thank you V" I locked eyes with a certain someone and smiled, he smiled back and I looked away feeling even redder. "Come on Y/N we have to get to the practice room" We finished up and headed for the practice room it was pretty hot in the building so instead of wearing my normal leggings I wore spandex shorts. I feel a bit embarrassed wearing them but it's for practice half the time I'm in there I'll be practicing my duet while the guys dance. Jungkook and I have a dance that we will be performing while singing our song. At first, he was quiet with me but now he and I get along great.

"Hiding every cloud under a smile when there's cameras" I sang out in the studio alone while the others were practicing. "hmm maybe I could add something, in the beginning, like oh love you few right by " I scrunched my nose shaking my head. " I think it is beautiful the way it is" startled I yelped spinning in the chair. "Hey! How was practice" he smiled showing a thumbs up and sitting down next to me. "Sorry, it took a while but do you think you would want to stay later with me?" Me? alone with him? I mean I've been alone with him before but for some reason, my stomach felt weird like it was squeezing me tightly. "U-Um sure how long are we staying since the awards are tomorrow" He shrugged making me playfully glare at him. " ha fine alright then shall we?" standing up I grabbed my bag and he nodded walking behind me.

Everyone had left so it was just me and Jungkook, my phone suddenly surprised both Jungkook and me. My phone rang out with a song that Suga had shown me which was their song called Forever Young (I would start the video here). "W-whats that playing?? that our song?" face burned red and slightly nodded. "A-ah well Suga showed me some songs since I only heard a few recent ones and well I really fell for this one, I don't know why but I get a nice free feeling when I listen to it even though that's crazy I well...I don't know" I rubbed my hands against each other and then felt Jungkooks hand take my phone but I was too embarrassed to look up. All of a sudden that song played out from the speakers making a glance up at Jungkook. My heart and stomach tighten when I saw Jungkook slowly walk my way and pulled my hand to his. He pulled me close putting his hand on my waist and we moved slowly to the beat. I avoided looking into his eyes only laying my head on his toned chest. We stopped for a second and we pulled apart looking at each other unable to look away. When the beat picked up he pulled me into a turn, and he sang out "Forever we are young". He kept a firm grip on my small hands as we danced in harmony to the song.

"Forever we are young!" I sang out with Jungkook, the free feeling came to me letting me be able to move freely. I smiled looking up at Jungkook who I saw was looking up at me as well. He brought me in for a turn and then lifted me up by the waist spinning in a circle then bringing me down slowly without struggle. Nearing the end of the song we just moved around together in each other's arms my arms upon his shoulders and his on my hips. We took a breath and stared at each other. His eyes were a nice dark chocolate color with hidden gold streaks that you could only see if you were up close. The air stood still the music was gone....yet..the feeling was still there. "Y/N-" - "Ah Jungkook Y/N! there you guys are I thought you both were in the studio well I forgot my wallet, come on let's go" Jungkook and I stared shocked with blood-red faces. J-Hope had burst in making Jungkook and I jump almost three feet from each other.

"A-alright um let's go Jungkook " he nodded and we left with J-Hope blabbering on and on about something that I wasn't listening to because I was too focused on what happened a few moments ago.

I Fell For The Kpop Star {Jungkook x reader}Where stories live. Discover now