Unwanted To Loved Ch. 15

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Ruby's P.O.V.

After the kiss, Matt pulls away and smiles at me. I smiled back at him.

"I should put your stuff away." He says.

I sat on the bed and watched him. After everything was put away, he comes over and pulls me off the bed. 

"Come on." He says holding my hand.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"To eat." He says.

We went downstairs and into the kitchen. I see Brian cooking and then I saw Amy sitting at the table. She smiles at me as I sat down. 

"I hope your cooking for more than my sister and yourself." Matt says to Brian.

I watch Brian jump slightly. 

"Damn it, you scared me." He says.

I laugh at that. Matt sits down beside me, he takes my hand in his and he makes circles on the palm of my hand. I don't try and pull my hand away, I just let Matt continue. 

All of a sudden, a plate appears in front me causing me to jump. 

"I am so sorry about that Ruby." I hear Brian say.

"Its fine, I wasn't paying attention." I say.

I looked down at the plate...I had no idea what the hell this was but it smelled good.

"Brian, she's supposed to eat soft foods." Matt says.

"She had an egg this morning so I thought maybe she would like this." Brian replies.

I picked up the fork and pushed the food around with it. "What is this?" I questioned.

Just because it smelled good, doesn't mean that I was going to eat it.

"Just try it, I promise you'll like it." Brian tells me.

I scooped up some of the food with the food and I put it in my mouth. I chewed on it and swallowed it.

"And? What do you think?" Brian asks nervously.

I didn't say anything, just took another bite of the food. 

I hear a chuckle. "That good?" Brian says.

Soon I had the plate cleaned. Brian had to leave the room to go to the bathroom, so Matt decided to do the dishes. I noticed that Amy and Matt like to argue a lot when their around each other. 

'I want to go for a run.' I hear Lizzy say.

I decided there was no harm in going out so I got up and went to the door. I noticed that neither Matt or Amy had realized that I had just left the kitchen. I opened the front door and quietly closed it. I stepped down to the grass and took a moment to smell the air.

After I did that, I decided to shift. I took off and once when I got to the trees, I let Lizzy take control. I made sure to tell her to stay within the area so we wouldn't get lost. After I told her that, I heard several branches snapping.

What if it was my old pack coming to take me away? I couldn't think like that and knew that I had to stay positive. 

I started heading towards the house when all of a sudden, I was attacked. I saw a wolf come up and bite my neck hard when I tried to get up. My vision was getting blurry when suddenly I didn't feel any more pain from my neck. I had passed out after that.

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