Chapter 4 : You Guys Ready For This?

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Chapter 4: You Guys Ready For This?

Last night, I had trouble sleeping.. To much thinking about everything that happened to me and what is gonna happen while we try and find that monster who did this to me.

I'm playing some Call of Duty Ghosts , maybe that'll help me focus and get ready for all this? As I'm sitting there I look over and notice that Caleb is sitting there playing Pokémon. Like how the hell is that entertaining? But ooh well let him enjoy it.

" So how we gonna do this robbery?" I asked Caleb

" We do this with knives I guess. That's all we got" he replied

Bursting through the door, yelling in excitement comes in Justin. He has a big black duffle bag and I hear noises like guns smacking together.

" I have guns you guys! An AK-47 for Mark, a FN FNH Scar for Caleb, and a H&K German MP5K for moi. " yelled justin

" Well damn Justin. Where'd you get those?" I asked

" Got them off eBay" he replied

I gotta admit, he picked out some really good guns. Now, let's get this show on the road.

" Today's a new day guys , who is ready to commit a crime?" I said nervously

It's 9:30 A.M  on a nice sunny Tuesday morning. The bank just opened and now it's time to ruin some people's day. We burst through the door with ski masks on and our guns in hand.

" Get on the floor now!" I yelled

" Caleb get to the vault! " yelled Justin

Caleb planted the C4 on the vault door and blew it and we took a total of $100 million. One security guard ended pulling his gun so I had ended up putting a bullet through his brain and all over the bank floor and walls is his blood and brain. Another one tried tackling Justin so he pulled out his knife and castrated him on the spot.

We left there before the cops appeared and bought $10 million worth of spy equipment. From spy glasses, cameras, DNA tests, video recording equipment. Now maybe, just maybe, we'll find those cocksuckers

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