Chpater 9: We Got Them

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Chapter 9: We Got Them

Mark POV

We've been selling these drugs for a good 2 weeks now and finally got something. A man told us he saw the Polarises go into a warehouse. He also saw a bunch of semis going in and out of there. That's where there most likely at.


Mark: Well, we have the address guys. How we gonna go about this?

Justin: I say we just burst in there and start killing.

Caleb: That'll be the stupid thing to do. We use stealth mode.

Mark: What's your idea of stealth mode , Caleb?

Caleb: One of us go around the back, one in the front and one from either the side or the top.

Justin: I call front.

Mark: Well I'll go through the back then.

Caleb: Well then its settled.

*Conversation ends*

Let's load up and do this.

We arrive at the warehouse to a bunch of shipment and men standing around. We hop out of the truck and proceed to our waiting points. Justin is the first one inside while we get the okay from him.

*Over walkie talkie *

Justin: Okay guys everything seems fine. Come in.

Caleb POV

I walk into the building after the okay from Justin. But in front of me as I walk in are 2 huge men. I manage to blow the brains out of one and wounding the other but he still managed to get a hold of me.

Mark POV

*Walkie talkie conversation continues*

Mark: Caleb come in.

Mark: Caleb are you there?

Justin: Come on Mark what's taking you so long.

Mark: I'm coming , I'm coming.

*Walkie talkie conversation ends*

I walk into the building not knowing what I'm about to get into. But didn't have a care. I just wanted to get my dad and Justice back. I walk up to a group of men and staring me in my face is a AK-47 held by...

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