Chapter 10: After All We Been Through

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So...  How was the ending of the last chapter? Did it leave you hanging off your chair wondering who was holding that gun?  Well get ready for the biggest twist you'll ever read...

Chapter 10: After All We Been Through

Mark POV


I thought back to when I was laying on that bed strapped down. I think of that voice of the sixth guy, who was hidden in that back room.  I realized I've heard that voice before and I know who it is....

*Flashback ends*

Justin and Caleb were holding those guns in my face.  How can they do this to me. After all I've done for Caleb and I can understand Justin.

Justin: We finally captured you Mark.  After years and years of us planning this, we finally captured you.  And this time, you won't be escaping.

As Justin talked to me, I realized who that unknown voice was. It was Justin.

Caleb:  I'm sorry Mark.  Justin came to me before your mom died and told me he knew a way to make millions of dollars. At first I didn't wanna do it. But after thinking it over, I had no choice but to.  We hired a guy to kill your mom and we didn't expect you to escape the first time.  But now we have you and once you hand over the $15 million dollars,  and steal the hydro gun, we will give you your dad and Justice back.

Mark: After everything I did for you Caleb, this is how you repay me.  By killing my mom and capturing my dad and Justice. You 2 listen closely.... I will do ANYTHING!!  to get them back.. and kill you 2 in the most horrible and brutal way ever..  You have my word.

I gave them $20 million dollars to give me extra time to steal the hydro gun.  They were only going to give me a week to take it.  But since I have them an extra $5 million, they gave me 5 weeks.

They end up letting me go later that night after they implanted me with a tracking device and another device so they know that I'm thinking and saying.

* Talking to myself*

How could Caleb do this to me. Let alone my family.  We bought his family a house, cars, loaned them over millions of dollars and when ever they got in trouble, bought them the best lawyer in the United States.  All I know is,  I can't say my plan so I'm going to have to write it out... *

I decided to go to Red Lobster for lunch to take my mind off all this.  I walk inside to a nice scenery and admire the smell of food coming from the kitchen.

Waitress: Hello,  how many?

Mark: One

Waitress:  What can I get you to drink?

Mark: Uhm a Mountain Dew please.

Waitress : Okay I'll be rite out.

The waitress was gorgeous.  She was about 5'5, long blonde hair, noticeable green eyes and perfect curves. Let's see how this plays out.

Waitress: Have you decided what you want, sir?

Mark:  Just give me one of everything and extra biscuits please.  And call me Mark.

Waitress: Okay it'll be out shortly.  And okay call me Emily

She smiled as she walked away to put my order in and kept looking back.  I know I have my heart set on Justice, but a little flirting won't hurt.

She returned with a shit load of food all for me. It took her 2 trips to bring it all to me. After I finished all my food, and felt like throwing up on every single person in this restaurant and being on my way.

Mark: Emily I'm done!!

Emily: Here's your check.

Mark: Wow.  $259.56 for all that?  Not bad.  Here's your tip.

Emily: $500?! I can't accept this.

Mark: Yes you can.  And I have a question.

Emily: Shoot

Mark: Can I take you out for some drinks tonight?

Emily: Yeah sure.  Here's my number.  Call me.

After all that's happened the past couple of months, I'm glad I finally have some one to talk to and just have a couple drinks and have fun with.

8:00 rolls around and I give Emily a call.

*Phone conversation *

Emily: Hello

Mark: Hey Emily , it's me Mark.  The one who gave you the $500 tip.

Emily: Ooh hey what's up?

Mark: Nothing much.  I was wondering were you still up for those drinks.

Emily: Yeah come over.  My address is,  1654 Martin Luther King Jr Ave North.

Mark: Okay I'm on my way.

*Phone conversation ends*

I pulled up to the house about,  10 minutes later and we headed off to a new bar that opened up on the beach called electric tiki.

About 10 Coronas, 10 Vodka shots and a couple skrewdrivers later,  we were beyond drunk.

Mark: You're soo...  beau... your beautiful

Emily: Why thank you..  You remind me of Kermit the frog.

Mark: Get in the back of my truck and fly somewhere.

Emily:  Let's go then Ms. Piggy

I wake up with the biggest hangover ever. I roll over and there's Emily...  Gosh how drunk were we last night.  What did we do.  I stand up to go to the bathroom and I look in the mirror and I'm naked...  I'm dumbfounded right now.  I look over into the room and notice she's also naked.. Please tell me she was lazy and didn't wanna put clothes on after her shower..

Emily: Good morning handsome

Mark: Good morning.. What did we do last night?

Emily: I'm not sure but I'm guessing we had fun.

Mark: Yeah...  I'm going to make breakfast...

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