My dark, navy long dress was on with the diamond necklace Jerry gave me when we celebrated our one-year anniversary two weeks ago.
The weather was cold, coldest it has been yet for the beginning of this winter. The snow was bound to come, so I slid on my white pea coat as well, feeling the warmth even out in the chill of a breeze. The kind that whips right through your body, making you feel like your sick with the chills. I was becoming almost nervous to tell Jerry. I know he was going to support me. That's not what I was afraid of. But I'm afraid if he is going to be alright with the timing. I mean, we don't have any plans set in place. We never talked about marriage in general- not just about the two of us; despite the fact that we had only been going out for a year even though we have known each other for a lot longer.
When I got to Legal Seafood, our reservation was set right next to the window, overlooking the harbour with the lights twinkling down on the water, with small ripples from the boats moving in the breeze to make an effect that would make the perfect picture. It was only 6:45 as I looked at my cell phone, so he will be here in about fifteen minutes, no problem. I'll just sit here, admire the view, take my time to look over all of the choices, and enjoy a drink.
"Anything to drink, madam?" A young man with light blond hair came over with a wine glass. Oh, he was so gay. Creg would think he's hot.
"Oh, I'm sorry but I cannot-"
His face went from puzzled, only for a second, to that smile that everyone gave when there was something good in the family going on like a baby (as in my case) or a marriage.
"Are you preg-" He whispered before I cut him off as I nodded my head, "Wow! Congratulations!"
I smiled, "Thank you. I'm actually meeting my boyfriend here to tell him."
He smiled back, "You're already glowing!" Sensing my nervousness, "Don't worry, you'll be great! And I'll grab you anything else that you'd like."
"Blueberry pomegranate, please?" I asked, looking out the window.
"I'll be right out with that." He shuffled away.
I took a breath, inhaling the seafood taste in the air and the expensive feel. This was probably the most expensive place for another half mile, and probably the best place on this side of the harbor. A
A couple walked past outside, hand in hand, smiling at each other as the man whispered into her ear as she responded with a small giggle. If I was sitting here two years ago, I wouldv'e either looked the other way, pretending that I didn't see anything. Or, I would have thought of a past memory. Right now as I sit here, becoming a witness of something that could last either two more hours, two more years, or a lifetime; I watch with the same appreciation as the man I'm in love with will be here to hear good news soon.
Four glasses on my blueberry pomegranate later, I looked at the time on my cell phone yet again and saw the time of 7:15 in white numbers as the wallpaper was Jerry and my faces' when we went to the Cape this summer, all sunburned as my hair was flipping around. That was the vacation that we spent an entire night on the beach in each other's arms. We just sat there listening to the waves crashing against the wet sand, as our bodies were protected by the blanket we lyed on and the elevation difference of sand we were on. That morning we had woken up at 5:30 by seagulls gawking next to us.

Military Love
RomanceAlexa is a 23 year old living in Boston, with a definite past. She fell in love in high school to a boy she never thought she could replace. Unfortunately, he died in combat shortly after joining the Marines. Five years later, she is still broken fr...