1. First Day

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It's the first day of the second semester of my freshman year in high school. I'm waiting at the lockers for my best friend to arrive. As I wait I check out the scenery infront of me. I see the senior jerks picking on one of the new freshman again, the preps and jocks acting all stuck up as usual. I swear they never look anyone in the face.
Then I see him, David Adams, the guy I met during the holiday. He's one year older than me and freaking hot. I don't even know why he started to talk to me that day we met but he did and since then I was hopelessly inlove.
"Hello, earth to Emma."  I hear my best friends voice and i immediately snap out of my daydream. "Were you just checking that guy out?" She asks. "No, don't be stupid. " I fake roll my eyes. "Ugh okay whatever I've got more important things to tell you. " She changes the subject and i feel relieved. I can't tell her about David now, she wouldn't understand.
"Okay shoot." " Well you know that guy i was telling you about during the holidays?" "The one you think is super sexy but then you found out it's your cousin" "Yes that one.. well I've got news!" "What?  Tell me or do i need to beg you? " "Well he asked me out!!" "Wait, hold up. What the hell???" "Yes and then we kissed!" "I cant believe this. Typical Celine always doing things without thinking. " I fake laugh and she smirks.

* ring *

The first period bell goes off. "Well off too physics I am, toodles Em. " she waves and walks away. "If physics could only teach her not to kiss her cousin." I wisper to myself then walk to my first class which is science. The first 3 periods go by suprisngly fast and next time I knew it was break. It was pizza day in the cafeteria and I just knew it's gonna be a good day. Nothing can ruin pizza day.
I grap me a plate, stood in the que and went to sit at the table where Celine and I usually sit and waited for her.
For the first time I realized David Adams sits at the table across from us. Then I also noticed the girl sitting with him. Lisa Becker, the schools biggest whore. Well guesse i was wrong, pizza day can be ruined. I take a bite of my pizza and it just doesn't taste right. "Great Lisa freaking Becker ruined pizza" i say louder than i expected, luckily no one heard.
"Sorry I'm late I was.. Oo pizza" Celine stops in the middle of her sentence, takes my pizza and has a huge bite. "Mmmm delicious. You done with this?" She asks and I nod my head. She then takes my plate and finishes the pizza.
"Hey whats up Em?" She asks. "You look down." "Oh its nothing, just thinking about how boring Maths is going to be now that i can't copy the answers from you since we're not in the same class anymore. " I lie. "Aw dont worry it wont be that bad!" I sigh. "She's a freaking genuis with an IQ thats sky high, yet she never seems to know when I lie. " i think to myself. "Well what do i do without you?" I ask. "Well i guesse you should just learn how to do math." She says smirking. " "Let me think about that.. nah not happening!" We both burst out laughing. Somehow we could always make each other smile.

*ring ring*

"Time to go to class again, see you after school. " I say and walk away.
The rest of the school day went by slowly and all i could think about was David and Lisa. While we were swapping classes i saw him, i didnt even say hi. I felt bad about it at first but thats what he gets for hanging out with Lisa.


Finally. The end of the day. I go to put my books in my locker and wait for Celine. "Sup best friend, how was your first day?" She asks"Good, i guesse, Yours?" "Freaking amazing!" She replies with a big smile. "Well i got to get home, see you tomorrow Celine. " "Bye bye " she waves. As i walk to my mom, waiting to pick me up i think about the day. I wonder how Davids first day went. I also wonder how Lisas went. Mine went, well you already know how that went. I got in the car and sighed relieved. "Wow what a first day."

Hey guys sorry for the bad chapter. This is my first shot at writing so please dont judge. I promise i will improve!
Let my know what you think in the comments.
Thanks for reading!! *

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