8. Best Fake Friend

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They stare at me and I stare back. What else could I do? Then Jane comes up to me, "I heard you're inlove with David Charm and you're trying to steel him from Lisa becker." She says. I stand there not knowing what to do. "Is it true?!" She asks. "Yeah is it true?" Everyone in the background asks.  I can not manage to say a word. "Why aren't you saying anything?" Someone asks. "Just proves her guilt even more." I hear another voice say. I run out of the changing room and go and sit at the lockers. I just sit and then.. "Hey Bestie," I hear Celine's voice. There's a twist in her voice. I look up. "Did you tell them I like David?" I ask. "Oh I did much more than just that. I told them you're planning on stealing him from Lisa."
"How could you, I thought you were my best friend. I trusted you." My voice starts to crack as if I'm about to cry but I keep my chin up.  "You silly girl, you should've listen to your ex best friends when they warned you about me." She says with a sickness in her voice. "But why, why would you do this to me." I ask, desperate for answers. "You know that cousin i told you about, well it's David. He is my cousin. " She smirks wickedly. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you rather go after Lisa?" I ask, my voice on the edge of cracking. "You really are stupid, arn't you? Anyone who knows you could've seen you're hopelessly inlove with David. I just had to wait untill you told me yourself, so i could carry on with the plan."  "The plan? What plan?" "You know the plan Lisa and I have been working on to bring you down." She says with a wicked laugh.
"You've been working together, all this time?" I ask hoping for better answers. "Yes and you know what the best part is. David was in with it."
"You bitch!" I say. I can't keep it in anymore, my voice crack, the tears they came and I couldn't  stop them. I ran out of the school and all the way home. I didnt stop, i just kept running, as if im running away from a murderer, as if running away is going to solve my problems. I finally reach my house. I go and sit on the veranda, I dont have my keys. My mom was supposed to pick me up after school.
"Ah shit. My mom!" I say. She's going to be so mad I walked home all by myself. I quickly take out my phone and sent her a message to tell her Im home.
"Hey mom, don't worry picking me up after practice. Im already home." I barely sent the message when her reply came trough. "What happened? Are you okay? I'm coming home straight away." I texted back. "No need too, im fine." But the message didnt go trough, which meant she was already on her way and she didn't want me stopping her. "Typical overprotective mom." I say to myself then smile. It was like the world wanted me to be sad because that smile was only half way when tears flood down my cheeks again. I cried and i couldn't stop, I cried so much I struggled  to breath. Shaking uncontrollably I saw my moms ranger come up the driveway. She got out or the car as fast as she could, ran to me and held me tight in her arms. I cried even more. She held me tighter. I slowly started to calm down and the tears dried up. I look into my moms eyes and then I knew everything is going to be okay.

Hey guys hope you all enjoyed the story! Sorry for taking so long to update but exams had me busy. My exams are over now so I'll be updating more!
Let me know what you think in the comment belowe.
Thanks for reading!

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