6. Dinner

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"Emma be a dear and set the table while i finish up dinner." "Sure thing mom, I'm on it." "Let me help you. " Andrew says. "Thanks." Andrew and I start to set the table. "Are you sure your okay with this, having dinner with us and all." "Yes Em there's nothing wrong with it, plus i get to see you a little longer." I blush then look up at him and smile.
I hear the front door open. It's my dad. He's earlier than usual. He probably didnt have much work. He walks into the dining room where Andrew and I are busy setting up the table and he looks at us both then raises and eyebrow. "Good evening Mr Jackson." I hear Andrew say. My dad nods his head then turns to me and asks "Is this young boy your new boyfriend, darling?" "No dad, we're just friends." "Well the way he's looking at you sure says he doesnt think you're just friends. "Come on son, join me in the living room. I think it's time we have a chat." "Oh no." I sigh. "Don't worry, im sure he's just gonna tease as usual. " David comforts.
Andrew follows my dad into the living room and they both sit down. "So young man tell me what are your intentions with my daugher?" "Sir not to be rude but we already had this chat when I was 12 and took Emma to the dance in middle school." "No im sure I had that chat with Andrew. " "Yes sir you did, it's me, Andrew." "Andrew Smith? " "Yes that's the one."
"You sure have grown up fast, i didn't even recognise you. " "Well it has been 3 years." "Well atleast it's not gonna be that long again. Welcome to the family son." "You've got it all wrong Emma and I are just friends." "But you like her, I see the way you look at her." "I like her very much." "Well then dont let her slip trought your hands. " He winks.
"Dinners ready!" My mom calls from the kitchen and we all grab a seat around the table, waiting for my mom to bring the food. We dish up and start to eat.
"It truely is loveley seeing you after so long Andrew." My mom says. "What brings you here?" She asks. "Well Emma needed a friend and I'll always be there for her when she needs one."
I blush and feel this strange feeling in my stomach. We carry on eating. After dinner Andrew helps me unset the table and helps with the dishes. We dont really talk in that while just smile now and then. Just when we finished at 9pm his mom comes up our driveway. "Well i better be going then. Goodbye Mr and Mrs Jackson." "Bye Andrew, come visit soon." They both say at once. "I'll walk you out." I walk infront of him to the front door just as we're almost there he pulls me back and hugs me tight. "You looked like you needed that." He smiles and i smile back. Then he goes out the door and i listen to how they drive off.

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