7. The Secret's Out

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The next morning when my alarm went off I definetly was feeling better. I had one amazing dream about David and I. It put a smile on my face waking up to this terrific Wednesday. I decided to tell Celine my secret. She's been in the shadows so long. Poor thing. Today she will finally know and I wont have to go trough this alone anymore. Yeah I know Andrew is there but hey he wont understand the way she would.
Realizing I've been daydreaming an half a hour i quickly start to get ready.
"Emma are you ready? " i hear my mom ask from downstairs just as i put on my last little bit of mascara. "Ready mom!" I say then rush downstairs and out the door into the car. "We really should stop doing this every morning." My mom teases. "What, i can't help im a always running late teenage girl. " I giggle and she smiles. We drive off.
"Here's your stop. " she says pulling up to our school parkings. "Bye mom." "Bye dear."
As I enter the school I see David and Lisa acting all lovey dovey. I start to feel sick to my stomach. " That's supposed to be me!" I say alloud to myself. "Talking to yourself again?" I hear a familiar voice behind me. Its Andrew. I smile then great him with a hug. "Something like that." I say and he smirks. Reaching the lockers Andrew drifts away and i finally see Celine. Today i am going to tell her. I should probably just do it now. I walk closer to where she is standing and when I finally reach her I say it. "I like David Charm!" I say before anything else. It's out and it's over. "You do?Aww that's so cute! " "Yeah." I cut it straight to the point.

*** ring ***

"Well we better get to first period. See ya." I say as I walk away. "Toodles!"
Well she finally knows, now I feel better because she's my best friend and if she doesn't even know who i like, what's the point? The day goes by fast and I have no worries at all. Everything seems to be okay and before I even realised it was last period. It's math and even though I know I must concentrate, I can't help but think about David and Lisa. I have a feeling their always going to be on my mind.


Last period is finally over, I can go home now. Before I exit the class our teacher shouts, "Test on algebraic equations tomorrow!" "Ugh." I rol my eyes and carry on walking to the lockers. When I see him at the lockers, I smile. He always makes me smile, I guesse that's why he's my best friend.
"Hey Andrew." I say as I open my lockers. He smirks then smiles wide at me. "Hey Em. How was your day?"
"It was okay." I answer. "But then i found out I'm writing a math test tomorrow." I add. "Well lucky for you I'm a math genuis and I could teach you." He smirks and I laugh. "You know you and I are just as bad at math." I say and he smiles. "Okay, you got me. I just wanted to see you a little longer. " I smile, blush then look away. I close my locker. "Bye Andrew." I smile at him. "I'll walk with you." He says quickly "I have hockey practice. So unless you're going to follow me into the girls changing room i dont think you can." I giggle and he laughs. "Okay fine, I'll see you around Emma Jackson."
The way he says my name, it gives me this weird feeling in my stomach.
I walk into the girls changing room and as I enter everyone quitens. They all just stare at me and here and there i hear a voice whisper to another.

I have a feeling what this means.
They know...

Hey guys so I know i said i wouldn't update but guesse what, SUPRISE!!! I had time inbetween studying and finallu got a chance to update.
Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Thanks for reading!

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