5. Love month Continues

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** part 2 **

As i look up i see him standing across the lockers he looks at me and then walks towards me. I act as if i dont see him and continue to pick up my books. "Ugh dammit!" I say as i see one of my books lying far away. I crawl to grab it and as I'm ready to pick it up, he squats down next to it. He picks up the book and i look up, straight into his eyes. "We got to stop meeting like this." He teases. "Yeah, im sorry, im such a cluts." "Tell me about it." He carries on teasing. I smile at him and he smiles back. He stands up then helps me up from the floor.
"You should probably go before Lisa sees us, I dont want her to get jealous." "She's just my Valentine. " "And your cousin who you kissed" "oh yeah about that.. there's something you need to know. " "what? She's not really your cousin? I figured hay. " "No no, you got it all wrong. She is my cousin and she forced me to do the valentine thing and even to kiss her. "
I start to feel weary. I feel so bad. I misjudged him. "Oh." Is all i manage to say. "Yeah. And well i kinda like you."
"What you do?!! I mean..cool, i kinda like you too. " "Yeah well we can't date .. we should only be friends. You know with Lisa in the way and stuff. " "Yeah I totally get it. " "Well i should be going I'll see you around. " " Okay " i pause long then finally say "Bye David."

** At home **

I get home, go upstairs and fall on my bed. I take my phone and scroll trough facebook. I decide to stalk Lisa Becker. "Omg you must be freaking joking!" *Lisa Becker is in a relashionship with David Charm * She posted it. I cant believe this. He ask her to be his valentine and now their in a relashionship! What the hell is wrong with these people? I can't believe that they really are dating now. Poor David , it's not even his fault. I feel so sorry for him but i can't help but feel sad. I just sit there thinking to myself then decide to call Andrew.
The phone rings and finally Andrew's voice says "Hey" "Hey, can you come over?" "Why, is something wrong?"
"I just really need a friend right now."
"Sure, I'll tell my mom we have a study group or something. " "Thank you so much. " "No problem, I'll see you in little bit. " "Bye." I hang up.

*Ding dong*

I rush downstairs to open the door for Andrew. "Hey" he smiles. "Well hello there, please do come in." I tease. He steps inside. "You're mom at work?" He asks. "Yeah, lets go upstairs." We walk up the stairs and to my room. I've always felt comfortable with Andrew so it's no problem having him in my room, even when it's such a mess like it is now.
We sit down on my bed and we start to talk. A tear slids down my face as i tell him about the day. He comforts me and I place my head on his shoulder. We talked for hours and not once did he try and make a move. That's what i loved about him, he was different. "Don't worry, evrything is going to be okay." Is the last thing he said then my mom came home.
"Honey, I'm home." I hear my mom close the front door. "Come help me with the groceries dear." Andrew and I go downstairs. "Oh hi there Andrew, how are you dear?" "Im fine thanks Mrs Jackson." "Oh please call my Lilly, are you staying for dinner?" "Mom im sure he doesn't ..." "I'd love too Mrs.. Im mean Lilly. " " Thats better well I better get started with it then. Emma would you please get the groceries?" "Im on it, you sit down Em." Andrew says then goes outuside to get the groceries out of the car.

Hey guys! So what did you think about that? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Thanks for reading!

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