3. Mood swing

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The next morning i definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I had just woken from a dream where i saw Lisa Becker and David kissing. I felt like a little child, being upset about something like that. Maybe it was just me PMSing , i really don't know . All i know is that I'm pretty upset about it . I start to get ready for school and i just finished when i hear my mom call, "Emma I'm leaving, are you ready?" I rush downstairs, go outside and get in the car,  my mom already started. On my way to school i wonder if im going to see David today. On the one side i want to and on the other i don't.
When i get to school, i see Celine already waiting at the lockers for me. "You're exactly 5 minutes late. " Celine scolds. "Sorry." I excuse. "It's okay but did you see that new guy Lisa becker has been hanging out with? "David?" "I dont know his name but yeah lets go with that." "What about them?" I ask curiosly. "Well i dont know somethings going on between that two and it cant be good." " oh well its their problems. Poor guy he has no idea what he's gotten him into" i say careless but deep down i care.


"Ugh  gonna be late for class, i still haven't got my books out of my locker." I say. "Well I'm not gonna be late, see ya!" Celine says then dissapears inbetween the croud of people. I get my books and join the crowd, i accedently bump someone and my books fall on the ground, when i try and pick them up i see someone already has. I loop up just to catch myself starring in the deep blue eyes of David. "Hey there." He says while smiling with his gorgeous face. "It's really hard to be mad at him when he's so freaking cute" i think to myself. "Thanks." i take my books out of his hands and walk away. "Hey whats up, you mad at me?" I hear him call from behind me. "I dont know maybe you should go and ask Lisa" i say before thinking. I then realise what i said then rushed to class.  The entire first period it botheres me what i said to him.  "What if he'll think I'm a creep weird stalker?" I ask Andrew who was sitting next to me in AP english. "Its already third period and youre still obessing, let it go Em. " "I can't." "You know thats what I love about you, youre crazy." He smiles. We both start to laugh and the teacher shhhs us.

*ring ring*

Finally its break. I dont feel like eating today so i skip the cafeteria que and head forward  to our table. On my way i bump in to someone. "For crying out loud, its the second time this happens today. " "Hey its good to see you too. " i hear Davids voice tease.
"Shit" I whisper underneath my breath. "I just wanted to tell you that you got it all wrong about Lisa." "So she is not the biggest slut in the school?" I ask rudely. "Well i dont know. All i wanted to say is you don't have to be jealous, she's my cousin.  "I'm no je.. wait, what?" "Yeah, well i got to go. I'll see you around. " he says then he goes and sits with the rest of the football team.
"I go and sit at our table where Celine already is. " "Damn I feel like such an ass!" I say as i sit down. "What happened?" "Oh uhm well you see that David dude, well Lisa is actually his cousin. I just feel bad about gossiping this morning about them." "Typical Em, dont feel bad, it's Lisa Becker. And you know, the bitch would probably kiss her own cousin."
"Well if you did shed  probably too..  yeah you're right. Sorry Cel, im just not in a good mood today." "I've noticed, whats wrong? " "i have no idea, its just one of those days you know. "

Hey guys im so happy for all of you that is reading my book! Thank you so much!!
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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