Chapter Four

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I woke up only minutes ago in this bed. Taylor's bed.

I can barely remember what happened last night let alone how I got here.

The only thing I can think about is where my clothes are. Why am I almost naked. I'm praying that nothing happened in this bed.

All I can do is sit in this bed and think. I want answers but I don't want to be rude and wake Taylor in his sleep but it's killing me inside. I need to know.

Suddenly Taylor starts to move around. He yawns and stretches out his body.

I pretend to sleep and slowly move too.

"Good morning," he says to me.

"Morning," I say.

"Do you feel okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I just have a huge headache." I say.

"That's called a hangover," he laughs. "I'll get you some aspirin."

"Thank you. Could you get me my clothes too?" I casually ask.

"Oh, yeah. They're on that dresser over there." He points to a dresser and then walks into his bathroom.

I put my clothes on and he sets pills and a glass of water on the table. I swallow them down.

"So, why am I here?" I ask.

"You got pretty drunk last night and Lexi stayed at Carter's place so she couldn't take you home. Shawn and Tira left way before the party was over and I didn't want your parents to see you drunk and think I'm a bad influence so I brung you here." He explains.

"Oh." I say. "We didn't, uh, do anything last night did we?" I ask.

"No, no, of course not. I wouldn't do that to you especially if you're drunk. You took them off because you were uncomfortable." He says.

"Oh." I say again. "Thanks for everything you did for me last night. I can barely remember anything."

"It was no problem." He says.

"Do your parents know I'm here?" I ask.

"Yeah. I explained everything to them but don't worry they won't tell your parents."

"You're the best." I say and give him a hug.

"Thanks." He says and his cheeks turn red.

"I guess I should get going." I say.

"My mom made breakfast if you want some." He says.

"My parents are probably wondering where I am. Can I take a rain check?"

"Yeah of course. Call me later, everyone's making plans for tonight." He says.

"Will do. Bye." I say and give him another hug.

"Bye." He says and jumps back into bed.

I walk down his stairs and run into Taylor's mom.

"Bye Mrs. Caniff." I say.

"Bye honey, be good." She says.

"I will." I say and leave their house.

I find my key in my purse and open the door.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" I yell. They don't answer.

I walk into the kitchen and find a note on the table.

-We have late shifts tonight and won't be home until morning. There's 50 bucks on the fridge. Love, mom and dad.

I take the 50 dollars from under a magnet and run upstairs. I need a good shower and I need to brush the liquor from my teeth. Good thing they weren't here, I would be dead if they knew I drank last night.

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