Chapter Seventeen

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"Sierra, wake up," I hear someone say.

My head is pounding. I can feel my lips throbbing. My last memory is sitting besides the pool, laughing with Taylor.

I open my eyes and everyone is staring at me. I see blood on the ground and I freak out.

"What happened?" I say.

"I'm so sorry, Sierra. I didn't mean to, it was an accident," Carter says.

"What'd you do?" I ask.

"He hit you," Matthew says.

I stare at Carter and his eyes start to water. How could he hit me? What did I do?

"Why?" I ask.

"There was a huge fight and you were trying to break me and Matthew up. You got in the middle of us as I was trying to hit Matthew and," he says.

"You hit me," I finish his sentence.

"I promise I'd never hit a woman, ever. I'm so sorry," he says and sits down by my side.

"Where's Taylor?" I ask.

"Outside. Tira's making him cool down so he doesn't kill anyone," Shawn says.

"Oh. Why am I on the ground?" I ask.

"Because you passed out," Jack Gilinsky says, who's sitting by my side too.

"Can I get some ice?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'll be right back," Matthew says and walks to the kitchen.

"Help," I say and I hold my arms out to carter.

He grabs my hands and pulls me up. My head pounds even more and I can barely stand up. I fall a bit and Carter catches me.

"Here," Carter says and he picks me up. He takes me to my couch and lays me down on it and sits by my side.

"I can't say sorry enough, I feel horrible. If you want to punch me I wouldn't blame you," he says.

"I'm not going to punch you. It's okay Carter don't worry about it. I'm fine," I say.

"It's not fine. You should hate me," he says.

"It was an accident, you didn't mean to. I would be mad if you did it on purpose but you didn't," I say.

"If you ever need anything you can always call me. I owe you everything. I'm so so sorry," he says.

"You don't have to owe me anything," I say.

"But I want to. Anytime you need someone or something, text me," he says.

"Okay," I laugh.

He hugs me and walks into the kitchen. I feel bad for him.

"I brought you aspirin," Matthew says holding a bag of ice, a glass of water, and pills in his hands.

"Thank you," I say. I put the ice on my lips and it burns.

"I'll be right back," Matthew says.

He goes into the kitchen and comes out with a washcloth in his hand. He wipes the blood off of my mouth and hands me my medicine.

"Everyone get out, the party's over," he yells.

Everyone stares at me as they exit. A jock takes a picture of me and laughs.

Matthew takes the phone out of the Jocks' hand and throws it against the wall.

"Get the fuck out," Matthew says in a low tone, a voice I've never heard before.

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