Chapter 20

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In the Gryffindor Common room at five in the morning, a body laid still on the ground. The sun started to peek in through the windows, basking the room with very little glow. Poor Neville has been like that for five hours, not being able to sleep due to his uncomfortable position. His throat was parched, his arms ached for staying stuck to his sides and he was sure he had a bump on the back of his head for when he fell. 

But that didn't worry him, he just wanted to make sure Lea was unharmed. He felt a bit hurt that she didn't tell him they were going to stop Snape. She was already in danger with Voldemort in the forest, she did't need to be in more danger by facing a giant three-headed dog and a very-skilled wizard. 

The portrait door was opened as a figure entered the room, furiously mulling words under their breath. The boy tried to move to catch their attention, he tried to make a noise but with his throat dry he wasn't able to. 

The person stepped into the light and with relief he saw it was McGonagal, she had her robe on with her pajamas still under them, "Foolish children" She said, "Running about with no adult-"

To her mistake, she wasn't looking where she was going and came to step on Neville's leg, he made a noise of pain that caught her attention. She snapped her head down to look at him and jumped back at seeing one of her peers on the ground. 

"L-Longbottom!" McGonagal said as she waved her wand, "Finite" 

He felt his muscles relax as he sat up immediately. Neville held his head, groaning, as the blood that went to his head came down. He was going to get Hermione back at her for leaving him there all night, he didn't when and he didn't know how but he was going to.

"Mr.Longbottom" McGonagal started as she helped the boy up, "May I ask, who placed the Full Body-Bind Curse on you? And for how long?"

"W-Well..." His face turned red as he stuttered, he didn't want to get his housemates in trouble but he didn't want to lie to a professor either, "Hermione Granger and since midnight, professor b-but she didn't m-mean to"

"Oh, that girl and her friends certainly love to get into trouble, I did expect some trouble of having James and Lily Potter's children but not this much" 

"Are they okay?" 

"Ms.Granger and Mr. Weasley are being checked in the Hospital Wing" McGonagal said, a frown on her face, "But Mr. and Ms.Potter are unconscious and injured-Mr.Longbottom! Come back here!"

Neville ran out of the room the second he heard about Lea's state, ignoring his head of house orders to go back into the common room. As he ran towards the Hospital Wing, guilt began to invade his mind. He should have known Lea would get hurt in a situation so important and dangerous, he should have dodged Hermione's spell and stopped them. He understands that they did it to protect their school and the wizard community but putting themselves at risk wouldn't help their friends. 

Once in front of the closed doors of his destination, he slowly opened it and peeked his head inside. The room was basked in sunlight as he watched the sunrise through the wide windows. 

Along the beds to his right, he saw Ron being checked by Madam Pomfrey. He had some cuts and bruises as the woman wrapped a bandage around his head while Hermione watched him with slight concern, a bandage around her wrist. 

Neville fully stepped into the room, quietly closing the door behind him as he turned to look at his left, a gasp left his mouth. It was true what McGonagal said, they were both out cold, the sheets pulled up to their chests. There were a couple of band-aids on their face but their injury seemed to be internally, caused by magic. 

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