23.What's Happening

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While I know it sucked for you guys I'm done taking a breaking, I'm going to get back to writing tomorrow. I also might rework this story, so if you see chapters gone done panic

Robin P.O.V

I don't know why I was so angry maybe it was just hearing Caspers name as I walked into the house that pissed me off. I didnt want Ms.Kelly telling Lola anything fucking thing about that him or what happened in the past. I need to just focus on getting all of the information I had to Lola.

"Why are you here?" Lola asked him angry.

"It's nice to see you again Lola." Liam said back with the same creepy smile he always had.

"Fuck you Liam." Lola said back to him.

"I'm going to pray for you." Liam replied back to her.

I could see in Lola's face that she wanted to beat the shit out of him and I did to. He may have changed his life but he was still an asshole just hide behind the face he was a man of God. He wasn't well not in a good way, every time anyone did anything he would start praying for them in front of them. I watched he got on his knees and started to pray for Lola out loud.

"Dear Lord, I pray that you can save Lola from her evil ungodly ways and make her a better woman." He kept going but I just ignored him and looked at Lola.

"Why is he here?" She asked me calmly and I walked her back to the couch.

"I have a good feeling all of this Casey." I said and she gave me a shocked look.

"Why would it be her? I mean we did have sex once at the club but that was all. I never did anything to her, so why would it be her?" She was really confused and I wanted to explain just what was happening but I could focus.

"Let Lola, push pass her evil way and open her heart to be less of a Jezebel and be more like Mary." Liam said behind us and I rolled my eyes.

"Liam, shut the hell u before I have to fucking punch you again!" I yelled back at him but he didn't stop.

"I had to fucking punch him earlier to stop him for praying for my chief." I said and Lola looked back at him.

"Okay if you think this is all Casey then why is here?" She asked wanting him gone and I did as well.

"He knows more than he wanted to tell me, he wanted to talk with you first so I brought him here. He's harmless just annoying as all hell and maybe he can shine some light on everything that went down." She looked at me and nodded before I walked away.

I grabbed Liam by his white collar and pulled him off the ground ready to chock the shit out of him.

"Liam." I said over him still praying.

"Let me also pray for my new friend Robin for his evil ways as well." I was ready to fucking punch him again.

I pulled my fist back when he suddenly shut the hell up and looked at me.

"This is kidnapping." He said scared now and I smiled.

"Tell Lola everything you told me." I said dropping him and he fell to his butt.

"Casey is fucking crazy, I mean she isn't the best of person but I pray for her everyday." He said and Lola huffed.

"I don't remember that Liam, I remember you drugging me, and me having sex with you, parties and everything. I remember having sex with Casey, just once at the club that one time." She moved closer to me and Liam gave her a laugh.

"No you don't remember that, I had sex with you but the drugging stuff was Casey. I mean I wasn't the greatest person 4 years ago but I wasn't that messed up. Casey was always wild and you came in and just set her off all the way. Just ask Frost about all of this he was there a lot too." He said a little loud telling me was scared or just wanted me to not find out something.

"Frost wasn't there." Lola said a little shocked.

"Listen I want to leave, I'm calling a cab now." he said standing and I didn't stop him.

I looked as Lola tired walking to the back where Ms.Kelly was and I didn't want that talk to carry on.

"Lola wait." I said and she stopped.

"What?" She asked when I heard Liam start praying again.

I was getting flustered dealing with him and I really didn't like that feeling. I was ready to shoot him at this point, and I wanted him gone. I could tell he was apart from his family now because he was living at his church. I didn't have to worry about him telling Casey anything but I was going to call her soon as he walked out.

"My cab is here, can I leave?" he asked and I nodded.

"I'm going to pray for the both of you, to save your souls from the evil that lives in them." he walked out the door and I couldn't be happier.

The room was silent for a moment and I looked at Lola who was looking at me but before she could talk I reached into my pocket. I pulled out a small box and opened it and she looked down at the ring the was inside. It had three diamonds on it, two small a clear and the big one in the middle green. Her face lit up with a smile and she was almost jumping with excitement before she jumped on me giving me a big hug.

"I love it Robin!" She said kissing my cheek.

"I hoped you would." I said feeling a strong pain in my heart and soul.

I didn't want to talk about my past or anything that happened with me but here the thing, I'm about to marry her. She needs to know, and by me, not by Ms.Kelly.

"We need to talk." I whispered to her.

"I know we need too." She replied as I put her back down on the ground.

We both sat on the couch and I looked at the food that sat there before I looked back to he still looking at the ring in my hand.

"Oh yeah." I said grabbing her hand and slipping it on her finger.

I took a deep breath having to revisit my past something I never did, but I have to giving her all of me even the not so pretty parts.

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