In My Eyes- Prologue

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Hey guys! Here's the celebratory extra (all extras will be chapters from Christopher's POV) for my new 7000 fans!! I love each and every one of you! The new ones and the ones that have been with me from the beginning (when I was, like, 12 and had no idea how to write). Thank you all so much! None of my stories would be here or completed if it wasn't for you guys!

This is just the prologue, and it isn't the best, but chapter one will come when I feel like writing it- or if I hit something awesome like 1# on a list or 7,500 fans!

Video of the awesome song We Are Young by Fun ft Janelle Monae!>>>



Christopher didn't understand why his father was making him do this. In truth, he didn't even want a mate. He wasn't ready to settle down and take the throne. He wasn't ready to commit himself to a person that wasn't related to him.

He wasn't ready for 'instant love'.

“Get out of your brain, Chris,” his little sister Ellen ordered from the passengers seat. “I can practically hear you complaining.”

“You'd be complaining too if you were forced into this.”

“Simon's the best thing that ever happened to me.” She said this with complete seriousness. Christopher cringed.

“See? You're blinded by the love the mating conjures. Your mate could be a freaking rapist and you wouldn't give a shit!”

“What? Yes I would!”

“No you-”

“Please stop arguing, you're giving me a headache,” Edith sighed serenely. She was pretty much the opposite of her fiery, argumentative twin and constantly had to put up with their squabbles.

“Sorry Edie,” they both chimed together. Christopher turned down the forest road from the highway and told them to prepare for a bumpy ride.

“I don't understand why we have to do this in a human country anyway,” he complained. “Why can't the Fates just meet us in Astria?”

“Because the closer they are to your mate, the better they can feel her,” Edith replied calmly.

“I thought something was blocking my mate from me?” Now he was just confused.

“That's just what Daddy suspects,” Ellen piped up, “we don't know if it's true. It's just a theory.”


They pulled into a clearing that had a small hut in the middle of it. It was made of stone with a straw roof and two small windows. A shadow stood waiting in the frame of the front door for them.

“Lachesis,” Christopher greeted, bowing lowly.

“Straighten, young prince. You do not bow to us,” a sweet voice ordered firmly. He instantly came out of his bow and smiled at the woman. She had long, flowing red hair and delicate features. A long white dress clothed her statuesque body and Christopher could see that she was bare foot. This was the Fate Lachesis, the one who measured the thread of life before it was cut.

“Our brother is having some problems with finding his mate,” Ellen explained. “It is very rare for a vampire to not have found them by their three hundredth year and our brother is almost to his five hundredth. We need him to take the throne, but he has no queen.”

“Do you think you could guide him to her, your grace?” Edith asked. “We know you can feel her, that is why you chose here for us to meet, but-”

“We will help, but you must pay us,” a new voice piped up.

“Clotho, there is no need to be greedy,” Lachesis scolded her sister, “they are just asking for help.”

“And help they shall get, but not without a price.”

“Our father is willing to pay as much as you want,” Christopher informed them Clotho turned to him, her intelligent green eyes thoughtful. Some would say that the oldest Fate was the most beautiful, with skin like coffee and hair the colour of chocolate. She wore a dress similar to her sister, only it was bright purple. Then again, Clotho was the one who spun the thread of life- a piece of thread made of black silk and the blood of it's victim. She had the right to wear such a vibrant colour. God knows if Christopher had such a depressing job, he'd want to wear freaking yellow all the time to keep himself from going crazy.

“It is not money we want,” Clotho replied coolly. “We have enough of that.”

“Then what is it?”

“When you find your mate, bring her here.” Christopher frowned, but nodded in agreement. A breath-taking smile spread across Clotho's face and she walked back into the hut.

“Please excuse my sister,” Lachesis sighed. “She is merely curious. This girl you have, Prince Christopher, her aura is very interesting. Clotho is a bit obsessed with finding out why.”

“Oh, okay.” The four of them followed the way the eldest Fate had gone and emerged in a small living room. There was a single table in the middle with four chairs around it and a crystal ball in the middle.

“Like I said, Atropos, the vampires have arrived,” Clotho announced. A woman with pretty black hair and exotic features turned to them and smiled gently.

“Prince, Princesses, welcome to America,” she greeted. “I am Atropos.”

“You cut the thread,” Ellen blurted out before clamping her hand on her mouth. “Oops.”

“Yes, I do,” Atropos replied airily. “It is not the nicest of jobs, but it must be done.”

“Enough introductions,” Clotho said impatiently. “Can we just get this over with?”

“Calm, sister,” Lachesis warned. “This is delicate business. Imagine how lonely the poor Prince is without his mate!”

“Actually I-”

“Come here, Your Royal Highness,” Atropos interrupted. With a sigh, Christopher walked over and sat in the chair next to her. “I am going to cut off a piece of your hair and place it in the crystal ball, alright?”

“Uh huh.” She gently severed a lock of hair from the back of his head and examined it. After nodding to her sisters, she reached her hand towards the crystal ball.

“Wow!” Ellen cried in shock. “That's so cool!”

Atropos had somehow passed her hand through the glass and into the ball. She smiled at Ellen before letting the hair drop from her hand and then taking it out. “It is not a hard thing to do, young princess.”

“And there is no time to explain how to, either,” Clotho added. “Sisters. Shall we?”

“Very well.” The three of them put their hands on the crystal ball.

Is something cool meant to happen? Christopher mused. I'm waiting for the fireworks, the sparkles.

But there wasn't any. After a couple of minutes, the Fates pulled their hands away from the ball and opened their eyes.

“There is something blocking your connection to your mate,” Lachesis informed them.

“Yet, we may tell you where she is,” Clotho continued.

“We WILL tell you where she is,” Atropos corrected. “We were right that it is somewhere in this area. She will be at this school, with the same schedule as you. You will have a locker near her. And instant connection will be made between the two of you.”

She handed Christopher a map with a few markings on it.

“Good luck.”

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