In My Eyes- Chapter One

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Hey guys!

Chapter One in Christopher's POV! Woooooo!!

Thank you all of my 8,000+ fans! I love all of you and you are amazing!

Sorry if it's not as good as Emilee's POV. It's hard to write in the POV of a guy cause I don't know what they're thinking... Anyways. I hope you like it!

No proof reading done, BTW!


*Caution: There is some course language in this chapter*

1.    Curly Hair and Bright Blue Eyes

The school stank like books, hormones and blood. I wanted to high-tail out of there as soon as I neared the front step. If I did that, though, Ellen would murder me. We had already gotten this far and it would just be a waste to back down now. Both of my sisters had arranged everything: the uniform, the dorm, the books and the classes. I wasn’t sure if I should thank them or shout at them. They knew I didn’t want to do this whole ‘mate’ thing. Of course, I could have told them to go away but... Well. The twins weren’t exactly easy to say no to. 

Still stuck in my thoughts, I didn’t realise there was a whirlwind of curly black hair hurtling towards me until the impact. The girl slammed straight into my chest, banging her head pretty hard against it before crashing to the floor. She stayed on the ground with her head down and made no move to stand. I blinked a couple of times to get my bearings. The crash didn’t hurt me, it was like a feather bouncing off my chest, but I knew that humans were a lot more fragile. Plus, I wasn’t exactly soft. That might have actually really hurt the girl.

Frowning, I took a look at her.

My first observation was that she was tiny- she probably didn’t even reach my shoulders- and thin like a stick. Her hair reached down to her waist and the school uniform accented her... chest. I ripped my eyes away from it. Just because I liked girls (and they definitely liked me) didn’t mean I had a right to stare. That’s just off.

“Hey, are you okay?” I asked softly. She looked confused.

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” I couldn’t help but press the subject. She didn’t seem too good; her brow was furrowed in what looked like pain. “Let me see your head.”

The girl looked up. Her eyes were big and dark- my sisters would call them bambi eyes- and framed by thick black lashes. The rest of her face was pixie-like, her lips almost a perfect heart.

She kept staring at me, her mouth slightly open.

“Come on,” I decided, “I think you need to go to the sick bay...”

Wrapping an arm around her waist, I helped her stand up. She continued to stare at me with an amazed look on her face. Was there something wrong with me? Maybe she could tell what I was.

This was not good.

She started stumbled backwards, pulling herself out of my grip. I couldn’t blame her. If I was human and knew what I was I’d be running as fast as I could in the opposite direction. I tried to warn her about the lockers behind her, but before the words left my mouth she collided with them. Her face crumpled into half pain and half shock.

It was almost funny.

She stayed silent, just staring at me.

“Hello, is there anybody in there?” I recited the song lyrics easily, even though I doubted she would pick up on them. Pink Floyd wasn’t really her decade of music. She didn’t respond to me and I frowned. Did she have a concussion of something? Humans went all weird when they got concussions... right?

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