Chapter 4 Goodbyes

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I sat in my dorm, we're all leaving for Winter Break. Skylar is staying here. My door opened, Skylar was in the doorway. She walked in and placed a small black box on my table and left. Without a word, she left. I got up and opened the box. A bracelet, a charm bracelet. There was a paper. It said:

If you need something just tap the shell. I'll see you all when you come back.

I sigh, what shall she be doing this whole break?

Skylar's POV
I sat in my dorm, in the closet. Scorpius had been acting up lately. He's been too hyper and is always licking my face. Everyone's gone now. The only ones left are the staff, teachers, and Hagrid. Tears fell down to my cheeks. I'm sorry, I can't go to see you. It's too hard. She's probably wondering where I am. Scorpius licked my tears off my face and I laughed. "Silly dragon. Tears don't taste good." I said.

I stood up and walked out of my closet. I grabbed my bag and Scorpius hoped on my shoulder. I walked out of my dorm and headed outside.

The cold cement against my bare feet sent chills down my spine. Small white particles fell from the ground. I teleported myself to the ministry of magic.

I walked into the building. "Ms.Smith," Aretha nodded at me. I nodded back. I walked to the room they kept her in. I opened the door, and shut it. I sat on the floor and sobbed. "Don't cry little one, it's alright." She said softly. "I can't! They think you killed my parents when you didn't! It's not fair!" I cried. Tears streamed down my face. She's chained against the wall. Her hair has lost its color, her eyes are full of sadness like my own, her skin has gone pail. My aunt Ally has been accused of murder, so they torture her in this room. I'm aloud to see her once every year. "It's alright, my times up." She said. More tears streamed down my face. "No! You can't leave me! I'm all alone!" I shouted. "No your not, there's those three. And him," she spoke quietly. "Pansy, Vincent, Gregory, and Draco. They're always there with you, I'm sorry but it's time for me to leave." She said weakly. She gave me a weak smile and I cried. I ran out of the room and wiped my tears. I bumped into someone, but I didn't bother looking up. I brushed past them and ran. I teleported back to the school.

I sat in my dorm crying and crying. I didn't stop. I got a call from Pansy on my muggle phone. "Hello," I said quietly. "Sky! Are you ok! Draco called and just said he saw you crying! What's wrong!" Pansy shouted. He's the one I bumped into. "Everything's alright Pansy, he's probably seeing things. I've been in the dorm the whole day." I fake laughed. "Bloody hell! Well I'll call you later, bye Sky!" She said and hung up. Scorpius screeched as he looked out the window. I stood up and looked, 2 dragons.

I headed down, chasing Scorpius. Until we were met face to face with the dragons. Scorpius ran towards them while I stood there. His family. I turned and left, now I'm really all alone.

The next day I woke up and the sun was in my face. I yawned and put on some black shorts and a white shirt with no sleeves. Bare foot, and flower crowned. No robe this time. I walked into the enchanted forest and sat by the lake. Tears streamed down my face, I laughed. I can't stop crying! A death eater approached me. "What do you want, to kiss me? Go ahead." I said. It floated towards me, I sat still wanting to accept my faith. But it stood there. "Weasley I'm not stupid." I said. "Granger you can stop the transformation." I added. "Potter take off the cloak." I say and walk away. "How'd you know it was us," Granger asked. "I'm not stupid," I said. "Wait, would you like to come with us to the muggle world?" Potter asked. "No thank you." I replied. "Why are you friends with Malfoy if your so nice!" Ron complained. "Because, none of you would understand me. Not even the boy who lived." I replied. "Come on, it's freezing out here." I said. They followed me back to my dorm. I gave the three cups of tea. "So what's going on," I ask as I drink my coffee. "Well, after winter break is the dragon riding competition. And I wanted to know if I could join the team?" Granger asked. "Sure. That makes you the third girl." I said. "Who's the second?" She asked. "Pansy." I replied. She nodded. "Just saying, you might die in the first tournament. If you get hurt I understand if you want to quit." I said.

"Thank you, Smith." She said. I nodded. "Well if that's all I need to go buy some things from a sweets shop in Hogsmead. Then I need to go and check on the dragons." I said. "Can we join you, we're supposed to be back by sundown." Harry said. "Sure, don't get lost." I laughed. We headed to the Hogsmead where I bought new tea cups, a kettle, some teas, and books.

I sat in my dorm, alone. I decided to sleep, a few more weeks until this is over.

I woke up the next day and sighed. I slipped on my black shorts and white shirt. I placed my dark red rose flower crown on my head and walked into the forest.

"Uncle Sirius!" I shouted. The black wolf came out of the trees and appeared. "Ah! Skylar! Did you practice the spells?" He asked. I nodded, "All 320 of them." He smiled with joy. "That's a good girl. Here's another book, the Dementors are getting weaker everyday. Your our only hope my dear." He smiled sadly. I nodded and headed back to the castle where I was met face to face with Dumbledore. I scoffed, "What do you want?" "You need to stay away from Sirius! Even if he is your uncle he cannot be trusted!" Dumbledore shouted. "Oh like you can be trusted? Hiring unstable teachers, allowing a death eater to teach, sending students on dangerous missions. What are you, my father." I say. I walk past him with my head held high, I'm not very fond of Dumbledore myself.

I sat in my dorm and studied for numerous hours. I decided to fall asleep, that night, I had a vision. A vision that would make me regret everything.

The next morning I shot up, sweating. It was 7:25am. I sighed, "Another stupid vision!" I got up and dressed myself in gray sweats and a black sleeveless shirt. Bare foot as always, but no flower crown today. I brushed my hair and sat down. I played with my necklace that my aunt gave me before...........well yeah. Suddenly the shell started glowing a bright gold. Draco needs something. I tap the shell, this causes me to teleport to him.

I found him, standing at the window. "What is it Draco?" I ask. He jumps in surprise. "Oh bloody hell!" He shouted. I looked at his hand, he's wearing the bracelet and his index finger is touching it. "Miss call," I said. "Yeah, sorry." He scratched his neck awkwardly. I shook my head, "It's alright. I was bored in that castle anyways." He looked confused, yet realized what I said. "Oh your still stuck at Hogwarts huh," he said. I nodded. "Well I should get going, your parents wouldn't like a mud-blood like me around." I said. This made him frown. "Skylar, my parents are dead." He said. And with that, I teleported back to Hogwarts. I had no contact with him during the whole break.

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