Chapter 5

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*sorry it took so long for the last upload. Internet has Been down and I've been pretty busy keeping up with school. This chapter is dedicated to @RiverAhlbeck who has helped me write this story giving me ideas. :)) *

I walk down the path briskly, watching every movement and dark spot out of the corner of my eye. You would think me killing people would make it seem like I'm not scared of anything, but walking in the dark by myself.....mmmm a bit nerve wrecking. I'm not a fan. Yeah, yeah i know what you're thinking 'you big baby,' but really when you have been through as much as I have been in the darkness, you would understand.

I start to walk faster after thinking about it. The faster I walk the faster I can get there and get back home to my loving fiancé. The street lights make my ring sparkle in the light. I quickly tuck my hands in my pocket and try to stay in the middle of the sidewalk. 'I hate being so scared of the dark. He did it to me and he is going to pay.'

My "mother" is on a business trip for her new job. So she won't be home to stop me.

I get closer to the house; I start to grin bigger, and wider with every step I take. I hear my younger brothers music playing and grin even bigger if possible. Well....well....well. This could be more fun then I expected. I start to smirk and slowly move to the back door in the garage as quietly as possible. Stepdad is more than likely sleeping. That'll make it easier....much easier. I stifle a laugh and move into the kitchen and into the house, but see nobody on the couch. Hmmm. Must be upstairs.

I slowly move up the stairs to his and her room, stopping after each little sound I make scared one of them will hear. I doubt they will, but safety first. I get to his room and he's sound asleep on his back. I creep over and look at him. He's laying gross. -I make a gagging noise quietly then whisper- your turn to pay buddy. I reach in my pocket for my knife and quickly stab him as many times as I can. The first stab instantly killing him. I've stabbed him at least 30 times then take the knife and slide it from the bottom of his throat all the way down to the waist band of his pants and pry his body open. I hear the sound of the ribs breaking and can do nothing but smile. I pull his heart out and squeeze it softly at first then harder, but not too hard. I cover my hands in his blood and spread out on the wall "YOU'RE NEXT!" I place the heart on their night stand smiling as I walk away. Looks good sitting there.

I walk out and move to the other room. Well crap!! He's not here. I frown, then look around and turn down his music just enough to be able to hear around the house. I hear it. Water splashing. Hmmm I'd rather not see my brother naked, but gotta do what I gotta do. Finish the job the first time or don't start it. I walk toward the bathroom, the door ajar slightly. He stands there dancing and singing in the shower, and I can't help but laugh; I quickly have to stop so he doesn't hear. He stops dancing and singing then waits.

"Hello? Dad? Are you there?"

I don't say anything nor do I move. He shrugs and goes back to his singing and dancing and I almost fall over laughing so hard. I straighten myself out and sneak over and slide open the curtain just enough to make sure he wasn't facing me. I then stabbed him in the back, twisted the knife and pulled all the way down his back. He gasped and fell forward. His head hits the wall and busts it open. I smirk and leave a pile of black wilted rose petals on his body, then I leave the bathroom. I go down to the kitchen, and take off my ring and rinse off my hands with soap and water. Gotta make sure I'm not covered in blood when I get home. I quickly grab my ring and put it back on leaving the house quickly. Once I get outside I sprint like a bat out of hell all the way home.

I get to the house and get inside and shut and lock the door then lean against it. and sound. I quickly take off the clothes I had on now covered in splatters of blood. I quickly scrub them and throw them in the washer. I go to the room and find Dominic asleep with the controller in hand and the game still playing.....grand theft auto. How could I have not known that? I chuckle and take the controller from him and cover him up kissing his cheek, and shut off the TV and xbox. I grab my pjs and underclothes, and head for the bathroom. I feel so gross after that.

I take off my ring, place it on the counter and jump in the shower and quickly wash up. I get out out my ring back on, get dressed, and walk out into the bedroom and curl up next to Dominic. I chuckle when he starts to snore quietly. I quickly fall asleep with my head on his chest; his heart beat is the lullaby that puts me into my deep sleep.

When I wake up Dominic isn't beside me....I guess since it is a Tuesday he could be at work. I stand up beside my bed and reach up high and bend back a little stretching. Ahh. That was the best sleep I've gotten in....well....I don't know how long, but it felt so good. I walk out into the kitchen and get in the fridge looking for the milk and find a note that says

"Sorry baby I was called into work. Your breakfast is on the counter and your lunch is in this bag. I love you and I'll see you when I get home.


Dominic XOXO"

I smile and look over at the counter and find eggs, bacon, and sausage links on a plate. Mmmm, looks delicious too. I shove it in the microwave and heat it up. I eat my breakfast and watch tv. I lay there and at some point I fell asleep. In what seems like just a few minutes, I'm being shaken awake.

"Babe! Babe! Wake up please." I flutter my eyes open and look at him.

"What's wrong?!?!?!?!!"

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