Chapter 6

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*hey guys I'm so sorry for the long wait. Life has been pretty busy. :/ here I am though! Another update!! Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!*

"Your dad.....your brother....come on baby!!!!! Let's go!!!!!" He pulls me up quickly racing out the door, and we drive to my mother's house.

"It was on the radio and I know you guys don't have a good relationship, but I figured u would want to know." He looks over at me quickly and I see the worry in his eyes. I smile slightly faking it as he reaches over and grabs my hand and holds it tight. I look at him and tell him to pull over and he does.

"You know babe. I should care I really should, but I don't. I hope they suffered."

Dominic looks at me shocked then looks away and pulls his hand away. He mouths "wow" and runs his fingers through his hair.

"Babe I knew you had hatred for them, but damn! You hate them that much?!" I shrug like it was no big deal. Then I look him deep in the eyes.

"If I could have done it myself and tortured them and made sure they suffered, I would have done it all myself." A flash of fear and amazement appear in his eyes quickly.

"I know you went through a lot with your family babe, but even I would not wish anything that horrible on my own family. Ever."

I shrug. "You didn't go through the things with your family that I did with mine. Your family showed you love, made sure you knew they care. My family did nothing to show me that they loved me. They only showed they hated me! That I wasn't ever going to be good enough for them no matter how hard I tried to impress them." I start to tear up and get that big lump in my throat right before the tears fall. He reaches his hand out and takes mine and squeezes it and kisses my hand softly.

"Hey, look at me babe." He waits for me to look at him then speaks. "I know that it was hard as a child with them, but you got out. Your free and if you really wanted to we could move to another state, country, whatever, as far away as you want."

I look at him and he wipes away the stray tears still falling periodically. "You would do that for me? Even with your job?"

He smirks. "Even with my job. There's plenty more out there where they came from. I just want my baby girl the happiest she can be. I want us to start a family together." I start to smile and he smiles and brushes his thumb against my cheek. "There's that beautiful smile I was waiting for." I look down starting to blush and he chuckles.

"Come on, let's go home." He pulls away from the side of the road and turns around heading back toward home. We are quiet the whole way home. We get inside and sit on the couch and he goes and starts dinner. I'm itching to tell him it was me that killed them, but should I? What if he rejects me and leaves...? What if...what if he changes his mind and doesn't love me anymore? I can't chance it and him leave me... I look back at him watching him stir the noodles for spaghetti and frown. I lose him and I have no idea what I'd do. I think I'd become more of a maniac than I already am. I lay back down and watch my show until dinner is ready...

Dominic finishes dinner and sets the table. He's decided to be a little romantic tonight. He brings out a nice, silky, red table cloth putting it a crossed the table. He brings in the white candles lighting them and even has a little vase of flowers in the middle of the table. He makes the plates and sets them. He walks up behind the couch and leans down kissing my head. "Baby girl come eat. It's all done and set up for us." I slowly sit up smiling and stretch out grabbing his face pulling him down to kiss him. He smiles and grabs my hand and helps me up and around the couch to the dinner table. He lights the candles and begin to notice the setting is like it was in the movie "Lady and the Tramp." It makes me smile that much bigger. Dominic pulls the chair out for me and I sit down him pushing it up as I do. He sits and becomes all formal. "My dearest lady, what would you like to have for your drink? We have milk, juice, water, and even wine."

I giggle and answer him just as proper sitting up straight. "Well my dearest man, I'd love to have a little wine if I may, please sir." He chuckles and gets up and grabs two glasses filling them for the two of us. When he hands me the glass I reach for it with my left hand and he admires my ring. I then notice he isn't admiring it, but staring at the blood left over from my previous kill. I quickly yank my hand back and smile. He sits and looks at me. "Baby, what's on ur ring? Is that.......blood?"

I push my hair behind my ear and look down thinking. Well looks like the truth must come out.

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