Chapter 1

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*Alright guys!!!! Yay!!! First chapter is up!!! Heads up! Epilogue was used, but it wasn't word for word. Hope that doesn't bother anyone! Anyways!!! Enjoy!!!!! :)*

*Sabrina's P.O.V.*

*Flashback Sabrina at 12*

My mother stands before me screaming inimical (definition: tending to obstruct or harm) words at me. She tells me how much of a disgrace I am to this family, telling me they'd have been better off without me, that she wished I'd never been born. She told me when I was born she knew right away I wasn't going to be good enough yet she kept me anyways. Her saying that broke my heart. I'm only just a kid and she's telling me these things. She walks away and my brother, James, comes in and starts yelling names at me as well. He's only 8 and he gets away with this!! Oh, right of course he would. He's mom's little angel that does no wrong while me on other hand can do nothing right. I walk up to my room and slam the door sliding down to the floor. I'll regret slamming the door later.

"Why can't I be good enough for them? Why can't they treat me like a human being rather than a dog. I'm always doing their chores as if I'm a maid and not a daughter. I'll never be good enough. Why me? I'll always ask that, but I'll never get the answer. One day they will pay for all they have done to me. They will see how I feel about them on the inside!!"

I grin sitting and rocking back and forth on the floor.


*back to present day. 16 junior year of high school*

I wake up as the bell rings and scurry to grab my things so I can get to my next class, but as always the teacher saw me sleeping and stops me.
"Ms. Sabrina? Sleeping in my class again were you?"

"Yes Mr. Sanchez I was. I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"Why do you keep falling asleep in my class?"

"I don't know. Just not getting enough sleep I guess."

"Well make sure you catch up on that sleep so you can pay attention in my class."

"Yes, Mr. Sanchez."
I walk out and pull my blue hoody up and walk straight to my next class. The reason I don't get enough sleep is because I am too busy planning things only I know about.
I walk to my next class and sit in my normal seat in the back. I prop my head up on my hand waiting for the teacher to come and start class.....not that I'll be paying attention anyway, but I'll try. The day goes by slowly for the next four hours, then finally it's time to get out and go home, or to work for some of us.
After work I drive home, my own apartment with my amazing hero of a boyfriend that saved me from that hell house I used to live in, and find Dominic cleaning the apartment listening to our song, "Follow Me" by Uncle Cracker.

"Awww thanks baby! I would have cleaned up once I got home."

He kisses me and shakes his head. "Oh no you don't! You did enough cleaning back at that hell house. Here, with me, you will clean, but you will always have me helping you my dear."
He wraps his arms around my waist from behind as I put my stuff down, and kisses my shoulder.
"I love you baby." He hugs me tight and then let's me go and finishes up before I can even begin helping.

"I love you too babe." I smile so big. If it wasn't for him I'd probably still be at that place I was supposed to call home. I never even felt safe, but with Dominic....I feel more than safe. I have the feeling he actually does love me. He didn't save me because he had too; he saved me because he truly does love me and I love him. Oh what a world it is with him.

"Hey baby? Could you help me with my homework?"

Dominic comes into the kitchen and sits beside me.

"Sure thing, Love. How may I help my beautiful girl?"

I blush. He knows that always gets to me.

"I need help with my math and chemistry, please?"

He looks at me with a worried face.

"What?! What's that look for?"

"Babe, you know those are most definitely not my subjects, but I'll try my best."

I smile, "thanks Love. I appreciate it. So, math first. I have no idea how to do this imaginary number crap."

He laughs, "Well at least your learning something I actually know how to do."

I show him the problem and he explains how to do it. I finally catch on after about the tenth problem, and he helps me with each and every one of them making sure I know what I'm doing. He's so helpful.

We finish up and he heads to bed. I grab me a snack, and make sure Dominic is sleeping before I grab my "diary" and begin writing out my frustrations. Even though I'm far enough from my so called "family" I still feel the need to take revenge on them. So, that's what this "diary" will plans of revenge on anyone who has ever caused me pain to the point of wanting to commit suicide, which by the way many have!
I grin and whisper, "They will all pay for what they have caused me. They don't know what's coming to them." I write down a list of people and how I shall punish each of them. I whisper, "Possibly death right away, maybe a bit of suffering. Hmmm, shall I torture them? Haha I think I should!! Maybe, I should make them suffer as much as I have...each one a lil worse? Ooh yes! I think so! Yes yes yes!!!!!" I accidentally scream that a little too loud and Dominic stirs. I bite my lip hoping he doesn't wake. I breathe a sigh of relief when he doesn't. "Thank goodness." I think a minute and grin.

"I've got an urge."

I lay in my bed plotting what I had in mind grinning bigger and bigger each time another way to go about this comes to mind. "Time for them to pay." I get up and grab Dominic's big black hoodie and put it on. It covers my face well enough to be able to walk through the shadows unseen. I change into a pair of black pants and put on my black running shoes. "All black. Looking good!" Dominic stirs again, but he wakes up this time. He looks at me then at the clock that read 2:48 am.
"Baby, what are you doing still up?" I think then look at myself. I hate lying to him, but I can't tell him the truth, at least not yet.

"I..I couldn't sleep so I'm going to go on a quick run and get rid of some of my energy. I'll be back soon." I walk over and kiss him and he lays back down.

"Alright, but please be careful and take your cell phone so if you run into anything you can call me."

"Alright baby I will. Go back to sleep and I'll be back soon." He goes back to sleep and I quickly grab the things I need for my "run" and walk outside into the cold. I walk quickly with my head down. I get to my destination, and break into the door as quietly as possible and I spot my first victim.

*alright yay! Hope you enjoyed it!!! Comment and vote :) hopefully another upload soon! Oh by the way Dominic is 18 and has already graduated from high school :)*

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