Chapter 7

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*two updates in two days?! Yeah buddy! Go me! Haha hope you guys like this part! :) it's a little short, but I promise more soon! enjoy!*

I push my hair behind my ear and look down thinking. Well looks like the truth must come out.

He waits patiently and sits down in his seat slowly.

"Well, come on babe. What is it?"

Should I tell him? Or make something up? I can't say it's paint. I hate painting, and he knows that. goes nothing.

I slowly begin to nod. "It's blood."

His eyes widen. "From what?! Are you hurt? Did you get cut? Did you hit someone?!"

I shake my head and mumble that it's blood from my killings. He crinkles his eyebrow.

"Can you speak up? I can't understand you." I mumble it again a little louder still barely audible.

He groans. "Sabrina Elizabeth. Speak up please. I cannot hear you."

I cringe. He never uses my middle name unless he's upset. He can't be upset though. He doesn't even know where the blood came from.

I speak loud enough he can hear me and he goes silent just sitting there staring at me. We sit like this for a very long while. I pick up my fork and slowly begin to eat and hear him speak.

"My fiancé is a serial killer." He stands and runs his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth. He starts mumbling and rambling on about how he's gonna marry a serial killer. About how he was with someone so evil. Him saying he was with someone evil struck home and the tears started spilling down my cheeks quicker than the Niagara Falls Waterfall. He pulls out my chair and I cover my face still crying. He gets on his knees in front of me and pulls my hands down.

"Baby, how many have you killed?" I mentally count the bodies knowing there aren't many......yet.

"Three. I've killed three."

He nods. "Who baby girl? Who?"

I keep looking down playing with my fingers. "I....I killed Brooke, -." He interrupts me.

"You killed Brooke?!?!" His eyes widen and I nod slowly.

"I killed my stepdad, and....and my brother too."

He sighs and looks down laying his head in my lap then sits back up. "When were you going to tell me this?"

I shrug. I really didn't know. I didn't even want to be telling him this now even. I wanted to wait a long time. A really long time. "I don't know. I didn't really want to tell you, because I thought you would leave me if you knew the way I actually released my anger. They hurt me! They deserve what they got!"

He slides back a little and looks at me with disbelief. I look up at him and start to get worried.

"You are going to leave me aren't you?! You're going to leave me!! I knew it! That's why-" He interrupts me by kissing me hard over and over several times then he stops and looks up at me.

"I told you the day I asked you to marry me that I would love you no matter what didn't I?"

I nod.

"Okay then. So that means, even though that now I have found out my future wife is a serial killer, that I'll love you forever. Even if you are a psycho killer." I chuckle as does he and he kisses my head. "It's okay, baby. I'll help you. I'll help you get through this. We can move a long ways away. To where ever you want. We can start a new life." He stops and smiles kissing my belly. "We could even start our own family once we are married." I stop him.

"Babe. You do realize I'm not leaving until all of these people that have hurt me are dead right?"

He shakes his head and raises his eyebrows then nods. "Okay. What do you want me to do? I'll help anyway I can."

I look at him shocked. "You can't be serious babe." He nods and holds my hands tight.

"Baby, I want us to get out of this rotten town and move away to a better place. A better place for our family to grow. I'll do anything to help make that happen quicker, and I guess if that means helping you kill people. Then let's go!" I smile and leap into his arms hugging him tighter than ever burying my face in his neck. He holds me rubbing my back and rocking.


He looks at me. "Yes my love?"

"You're really going to help me?" He chuckles and nods.

"Yes, babe. I just told you I'm going too. I love you, and yes you are so freaking crazy to risk your life to kill these people, but I'll gladly stand by your side and help you get the job done." I smile hugging him that much tighter. "So wait babe. Whose next on the list?"

I smirk and whisper in his ear and he gasps and then chuckles. "Alrighty then. Let's get this job done!!"

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