Chapter 12

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I look down knowing that Dominic is disappointed in me. He told me not to go do it. He told me no more killing, but I did it anyway.
Dominic sighs.
"You know what this means, right?"
I snap my head up, and look at him. "You can't be serious! You're actually gonna go through with this??!?!" I get up and move away as Dominic stands. He approaches me slowly.
"I told you that if you did any more killings, I'd be taking you to the police or the psych ward. Your choice. Pick now or I pick for you."
I sigh and keep quiet then speak. "This is ridiculous. I trusted you!!! I love you!!! You're just gonna let me go to one of these places?!"
Dominic looks at James with sad eyes. James shakes his head and nods towards me.
I look down and sigh. "Looks like this is where my life ends. Everyone turning on me. The sad thing is....I looked at you, Dominic, as someone that would be different and help me with my troubles, but instead here you are doing the same damn thing everyone else has done to me. You're turning on me and sending me away to either jail or a psych ward for getting my anger out. I understand though, because nobody can handle me. I'm a crazy psycho bitch that deserves what she gets. So, thank you, Dominic. For being just like the rest of them." I storm past him and head for the door before he grabs my arm.
"I'm doing this...because I love you. You don't deserve to live a life of abuse, loneliness and definitely not killing, missy."
I sign and look down. "You're right I don't deserve to live a life like that, but I also don't deserve to live a lonely life in prison, in which every time I turn around I gotta be careful what I do in case I get raped!!! BY A GIRL!!!"
Dominic and James both chuckle and I gasp. "Guys!! It's totally not funny!!!!" I wrap my arms around me tightly. "I don't want that to happen to me again."
Dominic reaches his arms around me holding tight. "Baby girl, it's okay. You're not going to be raped. You are just going to turn yourself in. It's the best thing for you to do. Don't let them make you go any crazier than you already are. You're crazy in a good way though. A crazy that I absolutely love about you." He places his finger under my chin raising my eyes to his. He gently places a kiss on my lips and smiles. "I love you. Just remember that. Understand?"
I nod and go to my room shutting and locking the door.
It's time for a long night of relaxing. Maybe by tomorrow morning they will have forgotten and I can go and finish my plans. We all know how that one will work out though...sigh.
------next morning------
Dominic comes and knocks on the door unable to get in. "Come on honey, it's time to go."
'Oooh no it's not.'
I look over out the bedroom window tempted to leave.....but I know I wouldn't get far with Dominic and James on my ass.
I sigh. Alright, looks like it is time to go.
I unlock the door and tell Dominic he can come in. "I have to change into decent clothing before we go. Wait, you know I have to have paperwork for this right??"
Dominic lifts up an envelope of papers. "I already have this all sorted out. Nice try." I grumble and finish dressing and start to grab for my purse. "Babe, you won't need that." I grumble again mumbling to myself, and walk out of the bedroom to find two police men standing in the living room.
"Hello ma'am, are you ready to go?" I frown and look down nodding. They take me downstairs and Dominic follows close behind reassuring me everything will be okay.
"I don't think everything will be okay considering I'm going to freaking prison, but it's whatever helps you people sleep at night." The policemen chuckle a bit and place me in the car. I get in and Dominic gets in with me. I lay my head on Dominic's shoulder and the policeman shut the door.
"I feel like I'll never get out now. I'll never be able to have the family I wanted. I'll be locked away, forever with nobody to hold me at night. Are you sure you know what you're doing? Are you sure this is the best thing for me?!? How do you know they won't make me suffer in there? How do you know that those people aren't going to bully me?" Dominic holds me and rubs my arm.
"Babe, I don't know if they will bully you. I don't know if you will suffer or anything, but I do know this is the right thing to do. Though these people you did these things to deserved what they got, it still wasn't right. Just know I'll be here there every day to visit you if possible, and if it's not I'll be there to visit every day that I can." I nod and watch out the window as we pull into the jail. I take a slow deep breath in and let it out. Dominic rubs my back.
"It's okay, babe. You will be fine."
The police get out and open the back doors to let me out and there stand several inmates watching intently as the new meat (me) arrives. I keep my head down and walk with the officer. The inmates yell out names at me and the officers yell at them to zip it or they will get a shot. They instantly go quiet, but still watch my every move.
We get inside and let out the breath I didn't even realize I was holding and the officer smirks.
"Oooh, Barbie you're gonna have fun in here."
Barbie?? Really a nickname already?? I mumble to myself.
We walk up and lady at the desk looks at me.
"Hello, what can I do you for you and these officers?"
"We'll come on, spit it out Barbie."
"I'm here surrender."

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