Chapter Six: Blueberry Pie

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Sam and Opal got back to the bunker and Sam carried her things into her room and left her to put her things away, and Sam went to find Dean.

"Have fun with your thing" Dean growled "You got my pie" he grumbled. 

"No, dickhead, I was focusing on Opal because someone tried to rape her" Sam growled. Dean looked away half guilty half angry. 

"It's a monster" Dean growled, he went to continue but Sam jumped to his feet

"Stop calling her an it and stop calling her a monster, Dean, she's a girl, and she's scared" Sam roared and then stalked off fuming. Dean growled.


Opal peeked out of her room, and saw Dean in the library, which she needed to get through if she wanted to get to the kitchen. She sighed and straightened up, walking confidently through the library, Dean glanced up but ignored her. She relaxed once she got into the kitchen, and began gathering things. After a little while Dean came in and grabbed a beer.

"What are you doing?" Dean asked gruffly.

"Making pie" Opal said simple, she was rolling the dough out and humming, her knew black sweat pants and tank top making her lavender shimmer come through even more. Dean looked at her dumbfounded.

"Pie" he said, and she nodded, looking at him

"For you, since you think I'm some sort of monster I might as well be nice to you, and Sam forgot your pie, so...pie" she said, looking back at her work. 

"Sweetie that's because you are a monster" he mumbled. Opal stilled, but then decided to ignore it and continued. Dean sat at the table and watched her quietly as she finished the pie, popped it in the oven and began cleaning. He stayed silent, only moving to grab another beer, as Opal hummed and washed, until all was clean and she pulled the pie out and placed it in front of him.

"Blueberry pie" she said, and he just nodded, taking a slice. He tasted it and looked up at her

"This is good" he said gruffly, she nodded, and stood up to leaving, bumping into Sam on her way out. Dean looked up at him. 

"Pie, Opal made me a pie" Dean said, still surprised, Sam laughed kind of bitterly

"Well at least your using her name now" Sam sat and went to take a slice

"Hey man, my faery pie" he growled and Sam rolled his eyes. Dean sighed

"Maybe she's not so bad after all" he muttered and Sam grinned, going to try for a slice when they heard a thump and Opal cry out. They both sprinted to the source of the sound. They found Krissy holding Opal down choking her. Opal wasn't fighting back until she was, her wings extended and flapped, sending a gust of wind under them, Opal spun them in the air, dropping Krissy and running to her room. Krissy went to give chase but a ripple of light came off Opal and then she was at the end of the hall going into her room. She got up but Sam caught her

"It's ok, she's a friend, calm down." Sam said, Dean grabbed Krissy's face, her nose was bleeding and her lip was split, Dean wiped away the blood and walked away, into Opal's room.

"You hurt her, monster" he growled at Opal, who was fleeing to her bathroom, and locked herself in. He sighed and left.

"She's fine Dean, and she needs me to come help with the hunt early, which means your taking care of Opal." Sam said when Dean returned. His eyes nearly flamed, and he stormed off to his room as Sam and Krissy left.

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