Chapter Four: You scared her!

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Sam and Dean sat in the library, pouring over books, looking for answers on what Cas's thing was. Sam sat back exasperated.

"Dean what's the point of doing this?" he huffed. Dean looked up at him

"So we can kill that bitch if we need to Sam, like anything else." Dean growled.

"Listen" Sam stood up. "That girl in there, Cas obviously loves her, and we've welcomed her into our home,  I was even going to take her shopping to help her get whatever it is she might need when Cas isn't here to poof things for her. I'm trying to be welcoming, you should do the same."

Dean just stared at his brother.

"That thing is just another monster and I don't trust it, Cas does but Cas has been wrong so I want to be ready to gank it if I need" Dean growled, Sam opened his mouth to say something but they heard a small squeak from the doorway. Both turned to see Cas with his arms wrapped protectively around Opal, she was trembling and crying, her hiccups were small and high pitched. Sam went to say something to her but she bolted back down the hallway through a door Cas had created. Sam and Cas both glared at Dean

"Dean why do you want to kill my love?" Cas asked, his voice the example of self control. Dean stood and faced Cas.

"I don't want to kill her but if I have to I will not hesitate." Dean growled, and Cas looked confused and angry.

"Why in heaven would you need to kill her, she doesn't have claws fangs or even her full power, she's based in being kind, making love, creating beauty where there isn't any, singing. She's not going to hurt anyone, and you scared her" Cas growled and pushed Dean away from him. Dean huffed and walked off, Sam looked at Cas and sighed.

"You have to go don't you." Sam sighed and Cas nodded, looking back at the door regretfully.

"I'll take care of her Cas, I swear, I know she's important to you." Sam said, and Cas nodded. 

"I want to tell you a few things about her first, Dean should hear them." Cas said softly, Sam nodded and and went to grab Dean, who came back grumbling. 

"So I need to get going, but you guys need to know about Opal. She's part fae which means physical interaction is something she naturally does, you are free to do whatever she is ok with if you wish, and if you find necessary, nicely" he glared at Dean "Tell her you would like her to not do something. I asked her to wear clothes when around you but she has limited resources." Cas sighed and Sam piped in.

"I'm going to take her shopping once you've gone, so she has what she needs." Sam smiled a bit and Cas grinned.

"Thank you Sam, I've created a space where there was nothing in which she has a room, bathroom and a blank room where she can make it into anything she wishes. Her magick is very limited, but since she is fae and angel, even limited she is very strong. She usually just uses it to entertain herself." Cas nodded, thinking.

"Where has she been this all this time, not on cohorts with Crowley I hope" Dean huffed.

"I think you should ask her yourself." Cas growled back, and then he was gone. 

"Sam I am not going to babysit a fucking thing" Dean growled. Sam chuckled

"Actually you are, day after tomorrow is my turn to go check on Krissy, leaving in the early a.m's cause we're going on a hunt, so at that point, unless Cas is back your in charge of Opal, and you better be nice" Sam warned. "Now, go get her for me so I can take her shopping, I need to get ready, and I'm taking Baby." Sam walked off and Dean cursed loudly before going towards the newly added door and opened it carefully. Looking around he saw what was a simple young girls room, everything white or that soft lavender colour, a large bed took up most of the room, littered with small stuffed animals. A desk and a large vanity, and a dresser, Dean relaxed a bit, but no Opal, he walked through the soft carpet into the bathroom, and there she was, surrounded by candles and mixing things in a bowl, and Dean stiffened up

"What are you doing" he barked and Opal cried out, looking up at him, he knelt down slowly

"I don't want any shit, now tell me" he growled, she shrunk back. Dean sighed and pointed a the candles and she nodded.

"Th-those are for a little natural light, the sun is far and the fae...we, we need nature close" she whimpered softly, Dean nodded and pointed at the bowl she was mixing. 

"Those are oil's with flowers to brush through my hair" she trembled and pulled a pin, her softly coloured hair flowing down her shoulders. Dean nodded and stood.

"Sam's taking you shopping, go." Dean growled and went to walk away.

"What's shopping?" Opal asked quietly. Dean looked at her bewildered and then just shook his head and left. Opal sighed and dipped her fingers into the oil to add just a bit to her hair when Dean stuck his head back into the room and growled. 


She whimpered and ran out the door, grabbing a dress and slipping it over her head, then scampered out, and ran smack into Sam. 

"Hey, calm down, I wont hurt you." Sam immediately tried to coax her to calm down and she clung to him trembling. Dean stepped out and looked at them surprised.

"You scared her!" Sam said exasperated, Dean just grumbled and walked away.  Sam hugged her and she looked up, sighing.

"I'm Opal...I.." she stuttered, Sam nodded.

"I'm Sam, Cas put me in charge of you while he's gone, so we're gonna go buy you some things to make sure your more comfortable here" he said and she nodded. When Opal didn't respond, he took her hand and guided her out of the bunker to where they kept Baby. She ran a hand over the side and smiled.

"Pretty" she giggled softly and crawled into the passenger seat. Sam hopped in the front and they we're off. 

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