Chapter 1 - She Checked Out?

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Liam's POV

We finally arrived at the hospital where my sister was and immediately got out the car and rushed through the doors. I ran to the front desk and yelled ," PLEASE TELL ME WHICH ROOM ASHLEY PAYNE IS IN" The nurse and a few behind her looked at me and the nurse replies," Sir I'm right here so don't shout and there is nobody with that name here" That can't be right? this was the hospital wasn't I've seen that news and wrote down the address and all. I look at her,"MA'AM THERE HAS TO BE A MISTAKE...SHE'S HERE I'VE SEEN HER SO PLEASE TELL ME WHERE SHE IS" She looks at me getting irritated," Sir for the last time I'm right here do not shout and I see who comes in and out and nobody with that name has checked in. Now please leave before distrub the patients." I was furious at this point," MY SISTER IS HERE AND SHE'S A PATIENT...LOOK HER UP RATHER THAN SITTING THERE AND GUESSING THAT YOU KNOW, DO YOUR JOB FOR A CHANGE" Zayn pulls me away and Kiera quickly takes over before it got out of hand.

She looks at the furious nurse and says," I'm so sorry about him Nurse but he's really worried about his sister. She's here she maybe written down as a mystery patient because she was badly injured" The nurse stopped and looked at Kiera," you mean the young lady who came in a week ago who was badly beaten and had alot of scars and cuts?" we all nod and when we did her eyes soften as she looked at me then at kiera," I'm sorry.....but that patient checked out two days ago." Kiera stood there frozen and the boys did as well. I spoke to the nurse," by checked out do you mean..." she looks at me and responds before i finish," yes sir the patient.....didn't make it....she passed away." Tears started coming down as I fell to my knees on the ground. I couldn't believe it, we was too late. I started having trouble breathing and from the tears and Kiera rushed to me and shakes me," Liam" it's becoming very faint " Liam" I just closed my eyes I didn't want to be here. I failed my sister when I promised I would protect her.

"LIAM" my eyes shot open and I was in the back seat of the car and Louis was driving. "Liam are you ok? You was crying and breathing heavy you had us worried" I felt my cheeks and they were wet. sure enough I have been crying but I was so relieved to find out that it was all just a least I hope it was. it was night time so we've been driving for a while. I felt the car stop and before I could say anything Niall said," Lou why did we stop?" he didn't turn around but responded," because....we're here" and with that we all looked out the window and got out the car. We stared at the building for a while till zayn finally spoke" C'mon you guys lets go inside" we nod and head inside. The lady at the front counter looked exactly like the one in my dreams. As a matter of fact everything in the area did. My stomach dropped preparing for the worse. I wish I could wake up from this nightmare back to our house and Ashley in her room sleep.

I walked up to the nurse as she looks at me and smiles," how may I help you today sir?" I was afraid to speak, I was afraid what she would respond but I had to do something. "I...I'm he-here to see my sister Ashley Payne" she smiles and looked at her computer for a moment which seemed like forever. Then the smile disappeared from her face and she looks at me. I take a huge gulp and prepared myself. " Sir Ashley Payne.....she's...checked out" everybody froze. My heart sunk and everything went so quiet you could hear a pen drop. "Would you like the address sir?" she said after a few moments and we all look at her.  " Wait I thought you said she checked out?" I said to her confused. The nurse looks at me," She did two days ago...her aunt came and got her and took her to live with her...though her body was still in bad condition" I wave of relief flew through all of us as we sighed and smiled. She's ok....she's alive....but wait....which aunt? Niall spoke before me," Love can you tell us which Aunt she's at? we would really like to see her" the nurse smiles," Sure she's at Darla Payne's's the address and phone number.....the place isn't too far from here just a few blocks west" Darla!!!!! as in Aunt Darla!!!! I haven't seen her in years. She was the most amazing Aunt we had in our family but out of nowhere she disappeared and never came back.

I took the paper with the address and phone number and thanked her. We left and Lou decided to drive as Harry put the address on the GPS. After a few blocks like the nurse said we was in front of a two story white house. The lights on the porch was on as we walked to the door and I rang the door bell. "Who is it?" A soft voice from the other side of the door said, when we didn't respond she opened the door and when she saw me she embraced me in the largest hug "Liam it's so nice to see you so much nephew and I see Dani is here too" as she hugs Dani too. " Hey Aunt Darla it's nice to see you it true that Ashley is here?" she looks at me," Yes Liam she's upstairs in the guest bedroom....I knew she hated hospitals so I brought her here and have a 24 hour nurse watching her" I smiled. Aunt Darla knew us too well and she knew Ashley couldn't stand hospitals she'd rather be buried alive then in a hospiital. Danielle looks at Darla," Aunt Darla....can we see her?" and Aunt Darla looks at her," of course but please be quiet if she's's pretty late so I'll prepare a room for everyone while you visit her" we nod as we walked in and upstairs to the bedroom she was in. At the end of the Hallway we got to the room that would be her's and I slowly turned the doornob but what I saw I wasn't prepared to see.

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