Chapter 10- A Day Off

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Ashley's POV

I woke up as normal and got ready for school, I saw I had a couple of hours and I didn't feel like eating so I picked up a book to read till I heard a knock. I didn't respond because I wanted to be left alone and prayed they got the message but nope they just kept knocking and it got LOUDER. I just gave in and finally said,"come in" in a low voice. I keep my eyes on the book as a person walks in my room and sits on the edge of my bed. I glance up for alittle to see Zayn which was odd because he NEVER really talked to me..alone at least and never came in my room before until now. I just continue to read my book until he finally breaks the silence and says," Ashley...are you ok?" and I don't look up from the book and say," I'm fine" keeping the conversation short not in the mood to talk. He sighs and grabs my book forcing me to look at him.

Zayn: Ashley I'm being serious right now

Ashley: What you want me to say that I'm trying not to breakdown and cry because the man who I thought loved me left me. It's like history repeating itself all over again but instead it being Harry it's David.

Zayn: *looks at me not knowing what to say staying silent for a while then grabs my hand* c'mon Ashley lets get out of here

Ashley: but i don't wanna leave

Zayn: It's not healthy to stay locked up....and I can't bare to see you like this

Ashley: then don't look * I mumble*

Zayn: *hears but lets it go* hmm you like to sing don't you? how about working on your own album?

Ashley: look you don't have to pity me and I'm not good...

Zayn: *interupts me* yes you are Ashley....and I'm gonna prove it *takes my hand grabs his keys and runs out the door*

After a couple of hours in a studio the producer said he wanted me to come back to work on the album and try to get me on tour. I never thought I could do this as a career. Zayn takes me out to eat to my favorite chinese buffet and we ate and I laughed because he kept sending Niall pictures of him eating and Niall kept calling and He'd hang up pretending the line got disconnected. When we was done Zayn says," this is a perfect moment for a picture" I shrug and he pulls me closer and we both smile as he takes the picture and he  post it on Twitter with the cap [2 of the sexiest ppl] I looked as he did that and I rolled my eyes and laughed. We went driving to the park and even shopping for more clothes and hair products afterwards. As we was walking towards the car I see Mr. Hudson. When I saw him I total remembered that we ditched school today to hangout. Just as I was about to grab Zayn's hand Mr. Hudson says," Hey Ashley is that you? come over here I need to talk to you" this can't be happening. My brother will KILL me if he finds out that I skipped

I slowly walked to Mr. Hudson as my heart starts beating dreading what's to come but luckly Zayn followed me. We reached him and I stayed there quiet not knowing and fearing what to say. Mr Hudson looks at me for a while as says," Zayn may I speak to Ashley alone for a few minutes I really need to talk to her" please say no Zayn please I will be your best friend FOREVER if you say no. Zayn says," sure...I'll wait in the car" some friend you are you jerk. I watch as he walks off to the car and Mr. Hudson pulls me to a bench asks me to sit down.

(me- Ashley  Him- Mr. Hudson)

Him: Ashley I've been noticing strange behavior from you everything ok?

Me: ...yea I'm....

Him: *interupts me* please....don't lie Ashley...I'm here for you

Me: I......*looks at the ground* I'm trying to be ok..I really am

Him: I know you are...

Me: I just wish...I could get rid of all the broken heart and confusion I'm feeling because I'm tired of always feeling like this. *he nods his head letting me know he's listening and for me to go on* I'm sorry for skipping class today I just really needed the day off please don't tell my brother.

Him: I won't say anything Ashley....but I want you to see me after school tomorrow ok I have a project I want you to start doing that you may end up loving it *he looks at me and smiles*

Me: *I look at him in his eyes* ok I will be there

Him: alright I'll let you go home I know he's's the assignments from your other classes that you missed that just became homework it's pretty easy I know you can do it.*hands me the papers*

Me: *I smile* Mr. Hudson you're the best

Him: *chuckles* I know now get the homework done....see you tomorrow and no more skipping. *he gets up and walks off*

Me: I promise I won't

I walk to Zayn's car and get in and nod letting him know we're ok and off the hook for now, He sighed a big relief haha he knew if my brother found out we both would have gotten it and bad. We pull up to the house and we walked in and everyone was in the living room" Where have you guys been" Harry said. I quickly blow him off and walk to my room "where do you think you're going" he says. I turn around looking dead at him coldly and say," HOMEWORK NOW IF YOU DON'T MIND I DO NEED TO GET IT DONE THANK YOU" and with that I turned around and walked to my room and closed the door. I was finally alone in my room and I glanced at the papers and wow he was right this was easy, I would probably be done within an hour tops.

After my homework was done I sat by my window enjoying the view when I glanced down and saw David and that girl walking past the house smiling. I look at the ground and just walk away from the window. It hurt too much at the moment to see him and especially when another girl. I walked to my bathroom and shut the door and turned the faucet on and sat on the floor crying my eyes out. Tear after tear falling from my eyes. someone knocks on the door" Ashley dinner is ready" Dani said. I replied "go ahead downstairs Dani I'm not feeling to well I'm going to skip dinner tonight ok?" I get up and wash the tear stains off my face and dry it. I walk out to my room to see Liam in my room. I wonder what is he doing in here? He noticed that I finally came out the bathroom and he walks up to me and feels my forehead "you are burning up alittle get some rest Ash try not to push yourself too hard" I noded and he picked me up and carried me to bed and wrapped me up like he did when we was kids. He kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

The Dream Must Stay Alive (Sequel to Finding Someone To Love)Where stories live. Discover now