Chapter 5- Moving On

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Ashley's POV

Today was Wednesday evening and me, Avan, and David are hanging out and practicing our song that we decided to do. Avan thought if  we did a dance to it as well it'd be more fun and it was I'm so excited and can't wait to perform it tomorrow I just hope I don't let these guys down at all. "We so did the right choice of choosing you got a voice on you" Avan says. I smile and blush," thanks haha" was all that could come out of my mouth being near not one but TWO hot sexy guys. David sees me being shy and giggles. After a whole day of practicing we finally decided to end it for the night. "Alright lets do our best tomorrow ok" David says and me and Avan nods and says," ok". I went home and walked in the house seeing Harry staring at me evil. I just brushed it off and started walking towards my room till he grabs my arm hard and stops me.

"Where have you been?" he says in a stern voice. " Non of your business" I said yanking my arm away and walking. " probably with those boys you liked so much" he says and I stopped and turned around. " so what if I was...remember you and I are NOMORE so back off" I say. he's really starting to get on my nerves," wow didn't think you were so loose" he says smirking. Usually I'd kick his ass to the next century but I decided to play his little game and say while smirking," at least they can hang much longer than you can." His face dropped quickly and in an instant there was an echo flying down the hallway and a red mark on my face. "A..A..Ashley I'm so sorry I.." He reaches for me and I push him away and walk to my room and lock the door.

The Next day I was walking to school rather than taking the bus because I really didn't want to see, hear, or be near Harry. I walked to my Math class and sat in my seat next to David," are you ok? looks like somethings got you down" I look at David and smile," no I'm ok just alittle nerves" he smiles and shakes me," there are they gone yet" I shake my head while laughing and he shakes me again while laughing till he stops and we hug eachother. Harry saw us hug which caused him to get very upset. After class was over Me and David decided to meet Avan at his locker. However before we knew it Harry has David pinned on a locker," What the hell you doin hugging my girlfriend for?" he says. Oh now he wants to be my boyfriend, well tricks on him. "You're NOT my boyfriend we broke up because of your selfishness so stop bringing others in the situation and grow the hell up and move on" I say pushing Harry off David and I take Davids hand and walk him towards Avans. But after a few seconds David stops me and i look at him.

"Ashley I have to ask you a question" he says and pauses for a minute. I'm scared to even talk afraid Harry might have ruined our friendship. "I know you're going through alot right now but.." here it comes the I dont think we can be friends anymore crap.  I just held my breath," would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says looking at me. Wait did I hear that right? did he just ask me out? I didn't notice I was still holding my breath till I sighed and he thought that was a bad thing but I take his hands,"David I'd love to be your new girlfriend" I say smiling. "What the hell? did you do that on purpose you little sh..." Harry says and before he could finish I say," Shut up Styles" and gave him the coldest stare. He quickly shut up and when David kisses my forehead the smile came back to my face and I looked up at him," lets go Avan is waiting" he says and I nod.

After meeting Avan we walked to Music class and sat together just before the bell rang, Mr. Hudson walked in and was ready to listen to us so he sat on the side and started calling out groups. As Harry, Niall and some other guy comes up and they start singing non other than yep you got it What Makes You Beautiful. Their voices blend well together maybe Lou can have him in the group too. After they was finished Mr. Hudson called the last group to perform which was us. Avan and David gave me a smile letting me know it's gonna be ok and I take a deep breath as we all take the floor. We put the instrumental CD in and got in our places. Music starts to begin. Instead of saying the first part before lyrics on Hip Hop Saved My Life we left it instrumental which came out cooler.

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