Getting your feelings straight

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I went up to the rocks crying.

“What happened?” Justin asked.

“Nothing. Nothing.” I said trying to wipe my tear.

“I’m sorry Justin I have to go home.” I grabbed my bag and I walked crying home. I got inside and I ran up to my room.

“Baby girl, open up”

My brother said from the other side of the door. I open the door and he sits right next to me and he asks me about what happened I told him everything that happened.

And he said “But why are you crying?”

“Is just that how Nick kissed me made me remember all we had in the past. And how much I missed him. But I don’t know if I want him back.” I replied.

“Well look Bells, what do you feel with Nick and Justin?”

“Well when I’m with Justin I feel like everything is gone and I can be myself with him. But when Nick comes I remember how he broke my heart but I still love him and I want to forgive him. He was my first love remember?”

“oh yeah. I remember that bastard.” He said really mad.

I gave him a stare and he said

“Sorry.” He inhaled and exhaled.

“Look, you have to follow your heart.”

So then he got up from my bed and he left.

I went to sleep that night thinking about what he told me. I have no idea what to do! Ugh help me!

“Wow!” I said out loud.“I’m talking to myself.”

The next day I got ready to go to school. I got in my car and I turned up the music really loud. I got to the parking lot, and parked the car. I went straight to my locker and didn’t make any contact with anyone. I went early to my 1st period, my teacher was impressed and I had a felling she was going to ask me why but I gave her a look and she just gave me a smile and said

“Isabella it’s a pleasure you coming early.” I smiled back at her.

When the lunch bell rang I got my lunch and headed to the library so no one could find me. Then the last bell rang and I just got in my car and went to my favorite place to think things threw. Karaoke More. A place I used to go when I was small with my parents. I parked in the parking lot. I stayed in the car until the place almost closes. It was 5pm. I went inside and saw the owner. His name is Tim he has known me since I was in my mommy tummy.

“Hi Tim.”

“Hi Isabella long time huh?” he replied.

“Yup its been really long. Way to long.” He chuckled. i smiled. “Umm. Tim do you think I can sing a song? Without people hearing?” I asked.

“Yeah of course. Anyways I’m having a party @7pm. So its reserved.”

“Okay. Great. Thanks.” I said.

“No problem.”

I looked around and I had so many memories.

I miss my parents.

I went up to the mic.

Then out of no where a song came up. It was Walk Away by Vanessa Hudgens from High School Musical 3. I looked everywhere and I found out that Tim put it on. I started to sing. Those lyrics actually touched me. I sang like never before. I felt like I was the only person there. The song ended. A bunch of people were clapping. I was really surprised. I bowed and got off the stage. I went up to Tim and said

“Tim where did all these people come from?”  

“I don’t know.”

He said sarcastically. I saw him putting a video camera away.  

“Tim what were you doing with the video camera.” I asked.  

“Um nothing. Well Isabella I hope you don’t mind but I put your video on the karaoke website. I need more people to come.”  

“Oh no! Tim.”  

“I’m sorry. I needed to do something. I was losing costumers.”  

“It’s fine Tim. Well I have to go home now okay. Thanks by the way. For everything.”  

“Your welcome.” He replied.  

I walked out the door to find Max sitting on my car.  

“Hey” he said.  

“Hi? What are you doing here?”  

“Well I kind of knew you were going to be here. And I loved your show.”  

“Ha Ha. Thanks.”  

He got in the car.  

And we drove off in my car.  

We got to my house. He sat there with me and we watched a movie. It was hilarious. After the movie finished I had someone at my door. Max got up and went to the door.  

“Max whose at the door?”  

And then I see Justin in front of me looking down at me. I get up and head towards the kitchen like I didn’t even see him. He follows in there. I get ice cream and chocolate frosting because I know I’m going to need sugar for this drama. I grabbed a big spoon, and dig in the chocolate frosting and stick the spoon in my mouth without saying a word. Max looks at me like I’m crazy. I told myself that I have to say something. So I did.  

“Hey” I said. He looked at me weirdly and said  

“Hi” And then he took a deep breath.  

And Max knew that it was time for him to go and said  

“Alright its getting late I have to go home. So ill see you guys tomorrow.”  

And left out the door.  

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