The Tragedy

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Months Later..

Well me and Justin are a steady item by now. I’m really happy with him. We are so happy together. I’ve never actually felt this way for anyone. Well tonight me and Camila are going to watch a scary movie and eat popcorn. We are watching a movie when Camila got up. 

“hey dude your milk is spoiled. I’m go get a new milk. I want to eat cookies with it.” 

“Alright lets go.” I said while pausing the movie. 

“No I’ll go by myself.” She said. 

“Oh… of course. You’re going to go see Kyle huh?” 

“um yeah.” she said with a smile on her face. 

“Alright have fun and stay safe!” I said sarcastically. 

“Love you Bells.” 

“yeah I love you to Cami now go be with Kyle already!” I said.

 She walked out the door. I pressed play. Bang! The drunk guy crashed into a tree and killed his wife for being so stupid. She wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and flew out the window. He ran out of  the car scared and cluless of what to do next. And left her there to die. 

Next thing you know my phone rang.

I jumped up but quickly and scared but then I realized it was my phone and picked it up. I paused the movie because I couldn‘t hear. Some guy was on the line and his voice was terrified and worried.  “Bella, Bella help me!” I recognized that voice it was Kyle!. 

“ Kyle! What‘s wrong? Are you okay? Where are you?” I responded nervously. 

“I’m in the hospital come quick!” 

“Okay I’m on my way.” I didn’t ask any questions I just did as he said I didn’t want to waste any time because what if something was wrong with Camila. 

I had an instinct that something was wrong with her. I got there as soon as I could. I found Kyle crying. And I knew something was wrong. He explain to me how he and Camila went to a liquor store and got some beers. But Camila drank like around 6 beers, he drank 1 and she was screaming and was out of her mind. She made him lose control of the wheel and they crashed into a tree. The Paramedics came really fast. But when they found Camila on the ground, she flew out the window. She didn’t have her seat belt on. She died. I cried and cried. Until my eyes were puffy and red. I blamed Kyle and I yelled at him. I was calling him a murderer. Until David came and he took me home I went strait to my room and didn’t say anything I cried all night. I skipped school for 3days. I didn’t eat I didn’t sleep and I didn’t come out of my room! I did absolutely nothing. All my friends came over one day. But I wouldn’t open my door. David and Alyssa tried to get me out but they couldn’t. Until Justin came over and he knocking on my door 

“Isabella….. Bella… Please open the door.” 

I started to fix my room a little so he wont see a mess. I walked toward the door and opened it slightly. And I let him in he came in and gave me a huge hug. He laid with me on my bed. And we stayed there silent. I was on his chest and he had his arm around me patting my arm up and down. I looked at him. And we wiped my tears from my face like I was a delicate flower. He robbed a smile from my face. “Bella, everything is going to be okay. I promise you.” He said sweetly. 

“okay.” I responded. 

“Okay I need you to get up and get dressed let’s go to the beach for a walk to get you mind off things.” 

I did as I was told and got dresses. We got to the beach and it made me feel better we watched the sunset rise. And he would never let go of my hand. He got me my favorite ice cream Vanilla with strawberries. We sat in the sand looking at the sunset. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He came in for a kiss. Our lips touched. It felt like nothing I ever left before. Words can’t explain how I left. After we kissed I grabbed my ice cream cone and threw a little on his face. “Ah!” he said. 

“ha ha ha ha ha ” 

“ I’m going to get you Isabella” 

“Oh no!” I got up quickly and I started to run. 

He caught me and grabbed me by my waist. And we both fell in the sand. He was on top of me. 

“I told you I was going to get you” he said. 

He leaned in for another kiss. 

I kiss him back. 

He finally picks me up. 

And we walk home. 

When I got home I was thinking about Camila. Every time I’m with Justin I forget about everything. But not even him can take away the pain that I have. I went upstairs to my room and got ready to go to sleep.  While I was brushing my teeth all I could think about was Camila and how much I will miss her because me and her were so close since the 7th grade and I knew I wouldn’t be able to survive a day at school without her. That night I dreamed that she was still alive and she said 

“Bells, Look when I die I don’t want you to be depressed about it okay. I want you to live you life how we did before So get your lazy ass off bed and go explore the world. Okay! I love you so much and it kills me that your being all sad.” 

“Okay” I said. 

I woke up. 

And was thinking of what she would really want me doing with my life. Be sad or live life to the fullest? So I knew from that point on that I had to be happy. And not be depressed or sad. To still miss her and talk about her how an amazing person she was. But move on and live life! So that day when I got to school. I went to my locker look beside me and saw that she wasn’t there. I didn’t cry. But I wanted to. I just took a deep breath and tried to smile. Kyle came up to my locker and said 

“Isabella look I’m sorry fo…” 

“No Kyle I’m really sorry for accusing you of Camila’s death I know you loved and maybe still love her. I was wrong I was just to paranoid and sad about her death. I hope you can forgive me?” I said. 

“Yeah I understand what you mean I miss her a lot Bella. And of course. Why wouldn’t I forgive you. You are my girlfriend’s sister!” He said. I smile and he started to chuckle. He walked me to my 1st period class. I entered the class sighing. The rest of my day went like a blur. Finally the lunch bell rang!


 I got up and went to the cafeteria. I grabbed my lunch and sat down in my chair. I looked to my right I didn’t see her. A tear came down my cheek. I hold in my other tears. 

Then my boyfriend Justin came up to me and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. Everything went as usual. Me and Justin talked I felt like she was actually there right next to me. I didn’t turn my head because if I looked to my right then the feeling of her being there will be ripped into little tiny pieces.

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