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~A week after-

After the argument that I had with Jacob I didn't go to school for a week trying to clear my mind out. My mom complete understood so she allowed me to miss school for a couple week. I turned off my phone and today is the first time that I turn it on. As soon as my phone turns on it started to ring several times, I look at my phone and I had sixteen missed called from Jacob and 5 messages.

The first one reads 'Im so sorry please respond, I want to be with you a don't you'.

The second one reads 'Madeline and I talked and she's more calmed, she still wants to be your friend'. I rolled my eyes as if I cared.

The third one reads 'This is the second day that you missed school, where are you?'.

The fourth one reads 'Where are you, I miss you'.

And the Last one reads 'I can't stop thinking about you. Forgive me :('

I throw my phone into my bed and I start getting ready for school. As I get out of the shower I hear my phone ring and it was another text message from Jacob.


From: Jacob

'Are you coming to school today? lemme now!'


I text back 'Maybe' and as soon as I placed my phone in the table he texted back. I ignored the ring and I put my clothe on, I'm wearing grey skinny jeans black leather converse and a Regular t-shirt.


My mom drops me off at school and everyone stares at me as I hop off the car. I guess everyone knows now. Or maybe no one has seen me in along time. As I pass the entrance to my class room Jacob stands up and walks up to me with a big smile, I haven't forgive him yet but I let him hug me.

"How are you?" He asks "Stop... don't pretended that you actually care about me" I laugh, but actually feeling upset. "I do!" He says. "Okay, did you or Madeline told anyone about you know what happened?" I ask Jacob "No, people were looking at you because they thought you got kidnapped" Jacob respond with specific detail. "Oh I say staring at Marcus "Excuse me" I tell Jacob, he moves to the side and I speed walk to Marcus and give him a big hug "Wow there!" he starts padding my back like if I was a baby and I wanted to throw up.

I look at him and say "I thought we weren't friends anymore!" He looks at me confused while grabbing my waist "That's why I thought also" he says. I can't believe it he's grabbing my waist with both hands, does he like me? or is it best friend thing? I hug him again and the bell rings.

I walk through the doors and Jacob stands next to me "So you're going out with Joey?" He asked me angry. I look at him confused "No" I respond "But does it matter, we're not even dating" I say with a bitchy smile. He looks down and stops walking, I turn around and say "What it's true" I turn back around and walk to my locker. Jacob is cute and all but I just don't like him like that anymore, Ugh do I sound like a whore? Maybe, but I can't be with someone that I don't like.

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