Chapter 4.

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Sam didn't get out of the asylum yet. Doctor Ash was waiting for her in the main room.

"How was it going miss?" he asked her shyly.

She decided to play a little game with him. Maybe she can get even more information from this nervous dude here.

"It must be exhausting to work here with such lunatics," she started talking, purring her words like a happy kitty.

Doctor Ash was red as a beet and his legs froze to the ground, "M-maybe? You k-know, all that wo-work with them, it really sucks," he stuttered when she closed the space between them and entered his personal space.

"You must be so brave," she continued caressing his ego a little more. All this sounded like from a lame adolescent movie but it seemed to work 100%. Doctor Ash was trembling, hardly finding any words to compose a meaningful sentence but Sam was quicker than him.

"Do you work with all three of them?" she pointed at the three metal doors in the room behind her back.

Even his nod was erratic. That was the information she was waiting for.

"Do you think I can accompany you during the visit?" she made the biggest puppy eyes she could have done. When she saw that he is quickly getting back to his senses she quickly transformed her courageous question into: "or maybe we should go to coffee, what do you think about that?"

Doctor Ash forgot her first question and nodded happily.

"Fine, tomorrow evening?"

"Deal," he managed to squeeze the word from his lungs.

She walked around him and headed to the exit waving at him while a nearby army guy escorted her out of the room.

"I hope it pays itself!" she mumbled to herself.


Sam got home late at night with fresh groceries and a head full of thoughts.

She spent her appointed evening with Doctor Ash, so rather Aaron as she can call him now. He was gentle, charming, shy but not exactly her type of guy. She tried to be nice to him as much as she could trying to gain his trust so that he could help her visit the other two patients in psych ward.

She was lost in her thought half of their "date" and she was automatically nodding or smiling at him whenever it was needed.

She thought about those three guys. They were definitely danger for other people.

Anti himself could wipe half of this crowded city out of existence in one lazy snap. How powerful must be the other two then? And what the hell are they exactly? Some kind of demons? Spirits? Or an aliens?

Either way, she was pretty sure that with the right treatment they can suppress their thirst of killing and integrate into our society.

She was pretty sure she can handle at least one of them by herself.

"And that's how I get into this work for the mental asylum," finished Aaron his monolog that was just light buzzing in the background for her before.

Sam blinked out of her dream world and smiled at him. "Interesting Aaron. You are really brave working there. I wouldn't sleep for a really long time after seeing what is going on there."

Aaron frowned, "yeah, you are not far from the truth Sam. I couldn't sleep for a good amount of time. Sometimes I feel like those three get into my head you know? I have nightmares and daymares too. But enough of me, how about you?"...

Sam put her groceries at the kitchen table and went into the living room to turn on the TV. She clicked on news, dressed up into her home clothes and headed back into the kitchen to prepare herself a late snack.

"Japan suffered a major earthquake this afternoon. The rescuers counted hundreds of deaths and thousands of heavy injuries. The complete statistics of this massive disaster are not yet known." read the newscaster with a sad voice while an unsettling video montage was running on the side of the screen.

Sam glanced at the TV. Such a big accident. Poor people she thought. In the montage there were a pictures of destroyed cities and villages and people running, crying and trying to dig up their relatives from the debris of their own homes.

One scene caught Sams eye. It was a single Lady, standing in the middle of a dirty road. She was clean and unaware of a horrible scenery happening around her. She was wearing a simple black dress, some heels and a small purse. She was wearing light mascara and had brown hair made in a tight bun. She looked like someone who was put there right from the opera but she was not looking scared or lost. She looked around and then noticed the cameraman filming her. She smiled. Video was cut short with an another one showing the doctors helping an injured man.

Sam shivered. That poor woman was in a big shock, maybe she lost her sanity after losing her husband in the chaos Sam said to herself and felt sad for that Lady.

The newscaster talked about other information and she was cut short. Someone handed her yet another piece of paper. She looked shocked but read it anyway. It all got Sams attention.

"More bad news dear spectators. A huge tsunami hit the coasts of the west side of America just now. The scientists assume it was due to the previous earthquake in Asia. We warn everybody at that location for to seek help and shelter as soon as possible. We have a reporter near the affected area. Hello James how is it going over there?"

The screen parted in two and a man in a raincoat showed up holding his ear with an earphone with his left hand and a microphone in the right one.

"Hello, Melissa, it is starting to rain now and I can feel the earth tremble beneath me. I am currently at the nearest town the army let us into. Everybody was evacuated from here and now the army is helping in the affected area behind me. The biggest wave was allegedly so huge it wiped the whole city from the existence. Unfortunately nobody was warned in time so now we can count with thousands of deaths dear Melissa. Condolences to everyone who lost someone in those places and I wish you to be strong." he ended his reportage.

The screen came back to the newscaster who gave more information about the catastrophe. An another video popped up next to her head. It looked like some reporter was left in the flooded area. The camera was shaking and vision was blurry. He was visibly in a bad condition but he was filming no matter what.

Sam covered her mouth in shock. On the scene there were seen flooded streets filmed from the window up in the tenth floor. Then the cameraman turned back in the room he was in. The room was full of people who were sitting on the bed or walking around like lost lambs. It all will not be as shocking as a woman in the black dress with the perfect brown hair bun that just walked behind a trembling couple. She didn't show on the other side of them. She vanished. For the rest of the video she was nowhere to be seen again.

Sam yelped. This must be her imagination kicking up after a long day of work and drinking. She knew she should not spend so much time with Anti in that crazy building.

Another bad news story showed up and the newscaster looked like this will be the worst day of her career ever. She get a new paper and started to read.

Tornados appeared in the middle of America. They are considered the biggest ones in the recent history.

A huge forest fire started in middle Europe.

A volcano in east Australia erupted.

An avalanche in Russia.

The Lady in black was everywhere.

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