Chapter 10.

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Subdued sounds.

Shaking ground.

Growls and screams.


Sam opened one heavy eyelid. She was lying face down on the dusty road. She managed to turn her head and look around. Her neck was hurting as all hell.

She was lying on the same spot right next to the Aaron. The tornado was gone. The barricade destroyed. There were dead bodies and blood everywhere. Some of the cars and tanks that had exploded before. Now they were just smoking burned ruins.

Her head was spinning so she slowly turned to her back and laid there for a second just to make her mind to set. She looked at Aaron. He looked almost peaceful. He was laying on his back, one hand on his belly, the other one on the ground. She reached and take it into hers. It was cold and stiff but it made her calm. Big hot tears were rolling across her dusted cheeks.

When her vision got back to normal, she blinked and got up. She let Aaron's hand go and it fell back on the ground next to his body with a subdued thump.

The sadness quickly turned into anger.

Where is that fucking Lady?!


She left her friends body in the middle of the war area and started to slowly making her way through the debris of their small city. The clouds were traveling fast towards the center of the city. It seemed that the tornado was slowly loosing its power, because the damage on the buildings was smaller.

Sam's legs were aching. She twisted her ankles many times in small but deep holes in the rubble.

She tried to call Anti. She tried to call Pewds. Then Dark.

She called to anybody, but there was nobody to hear her and if so, they were too scared to answer.

Her eyes were fixed to the path of the traveling clouds in the sky. She was determined to end this fucking woman once and forever! She took her friend's life and what on earth has she done with the others?!

She heard staticky noise and made her way closer. She recognized a shaky voice in all that wheezing and fizzing that was talking from the damaged radio stuck in the middle of a fallen wall and a pillar. It was a reporter with the latest news.

Sam crouched near and tried to tune the radio better.

"All citizen of our cit...*WHEEEZ-SKRRRCH* evacuate or hide somewhere safe. Our trust...*SKRR*..rmy retreated from the battlefield. We are sh...rt on supplies. M...ny wounded. This is emergency ca...ll to all our befriended countries - send help. This message will now repeat."

Then the radio started to cough and wheeze and then the same message started over.

Sam convinced her legs to stand up and carry her. She was so tired. Not just physically but also mentally. Maybe this is only a bad hallucination and she is sitting in a padded room with a straightjacket on herself. She was feeling kinda crazy right now.

The city looked like after an apocalypse.

She finally got to a big square with straight street leading to a bridge. The equestrian statue of the founder of the city was damaged. The horse head was lying in the rubble and glass of the nearby buildings.

Sam could finally walk better without harming herself on a rubble and broken metal rods because there was less damage in the square centre.

Her palms were bleeding from all those falls on a sharp concrete pieces before. She sat for a minute to rest.

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