Chapter 5.

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Sam turned the TV off. Her hands were shaking. She curled up in a ball on her sofa. She remembered some of her classes at school and started to breathe slowly and successfully calmed herself to the point where she could think clearly.

Someone or something must have caused all those events. This one or Earth was just fed up with its annoying germs called humans.

She reached out for her phone and dialed Aarons number. He picked it almost immediately, voice shaking like a pubescent.

"You forgot something?" he asked trying to joke with her.

"You. Me. Winter creek. In half an hour." then she hung up, not listening his squeaky "but..."

She get up, dressed back in the black pants, the white shirt, the black jacket and a comfy sneakers for now on, picked up her briefcase and headed back to the asylum.

Sam get there with a small delay. The city was crowded more than ever and it was currently 9 PM.

Aaron was waiting for her in front of the building, nervously walking from left to right on the steps. He had no time to ask her what is going on. She grabbed his elbow and dragged him to the asylum. He handled her the keys.

"Can I at least know what is going on?" he asked while she was trying every key in the door keyhole.

"No time to explain, you would not believe me this and cage me up in this very asylum probably," she smirked, but it was not happy at all.

"Sam" he stopped her hand on a handle when she found the right key.

"You know, I saw many disturbing things here and not everything was performed by normal humans. I think I can withstand an another crazy idea."

Sam breathed and calmed herself. She smiled at him and set off to the elevator on the other side of an asylum lobby. Aaron kept the pace with her.

"Have you seen the news?" she asked when they entered the elevator and she pressed the button to the floor to the most secure psych ward.

"Yes, pretty bad nature problems I think. What does this have to do with us?"

"Have you noticed something? Someone?" she looked at him. Aaron went silent for a minute.

"Wait a minute. I remember some woman. She looked like nothing was worrying her. She was wearing a small evening dress."

Sam snapped her fingers, "that's it! According to my information from Anti I assume that she is one of them. And she is here for no good."

Aaron gulped, "so what are you going to do? Warn the army and our scientists to capture that creature? I think we have at least one cage ready..."

"I want an answers first. Lets visit Anti, shall we?" she smiled at him.

He gulped and she continued, trying to convince him, "listen Aaron, we don't know what she can do except the natural disasters. She can wipe your whole science team from the existence in a second if you are not ready for her. We need to know how capture her first."

That convinced him enough.

The elevator door opened and the two soldiers pointed their guns at them. Sam and Aaron put hands up. Aaron reported himself as a doctor with his pass and reported her as a visitor trying to help him with his research. They let them go.

The hallway to the bank door was creepily silent. Only a light snoring and some subdued voices from the sleep were heard.

After a short talk into the intercom they got in the special psych ward. There were no other soldiers. A guy behind the monitoring computer looked tired as all hell. Aaron send him away and he accepted gladly.

Sam waited for him to close the safe door behind him and then went to the Antis room booth immediately.

"Anti?" she whispered after turning the speakers on.

No answer.

"Anti? Are you sleeping?" she asked a little bit louder.

No response.

Aaron pushed her aside and commanded into microphone, "PATIENT 721990 REPORT IMMEDIATELY!"

His voice trembled the booth glass.

But there was no response still. The room was dark and silent. Aaron lost his patience and turned the light in Antis room on. They both stood in shock.

Antis room was a complete disaster.

The doors to the rooms were broken into pieces. The fluff from his bed was everywhere and the carpet was torn apart. There were red claw marks both on the torn wallpapers and the ceiling. The booth glass was cracked at one place. There was bloody handprint right next to it. It looked like someone's head hit it in an enormous speed. In the cracked glass was caught a faintly green lock of hair. On the floor there was a shock collar, ripped in two.

"We must go in there," said Sam

"Is he there?" he asked.

"We are going to find out."

The metal door creaked in its hinges. Aaron pushed them open. Sam sneaked in and looked slowly into both rooms. The bathroom was a disaster full of a leaking water and a shattered tiles. The bedroom was in a similar state with the tiny floof from beddings swirling around when she entered.

"He is not here," she called back to Aaron.

"How is that possible? He couldn't escape! We covered every possible plan of him getting away!" he was slowly losing his senses and starting to tremble.

"I am 100% sure you forgot about teleportation," she turned back at him.

Aaron frowned, thinking about that possibility, "no, I am pretty sure Pewds' room was a teleportation proof since we discovered he had that kind of a power and Dark was dangerous in that stuff too," then he realised, "but this room could be in normal state! Anti was mostly made of meat and bone and he couldn't possibly glitch through the thick wall!" he lost it completely and was shaking like a little chihuahua.

"I must talk with the others."


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