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Song of this chapter is ' Over Again' by one direction.


"DAD!!..WAIT!!... where are you going?..Stop I can't run that fast. DAD wait! Please.. COME BACK PLEASE!... I can't lose you again, I just got you back." I screamed at the top of my lungs.
I can see my dad going away. Again.

Someone tapped on my shoulder. I was so happy to see him but regretted the moment I turned around.

"You don't deserve us. You are pointless. People like should die but look your still alive. You took our lives. Because of you, your mum I died. Go die Anna. You deserve where your staring right now. No one will ever like you. Like we never did.". I start crying even more.

" Dad why are you saying something like that. You know I never wanted you to die. I never wanted all of this to ever happen. I just.......Jus-." I fall down on my knees crying. He walked away repeating those hurtful words.

Dad I screamed one last time, then he was Gone. '

"Dad " I screamed. My eyes flutter open to my ceiling, panting heavy, eyes all wet from all the crying I did in my dream.

"It's was a dream" I put my hands on my hand, I was beyond the word of frustration. When these dreams will go away. I want to be happy now.

I cried for a bit. I turn my head towards the nightstand and checked the time, it showed 5:52 am. I lazily got up from my bed and went to bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror and was met again with a messed up girl. Dark circles around my eyes, looking more pale then usual.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth and decided to go for a morning run. It always make me clean my head and give me time to think. I came out of the bathroom and went to my dresser. I took out my Black Nike sports shirt , Black yoga pants, Nike black and white boots. Nike Hood. I brushed my hairs and tie them in a high pony tail. I put my phone in my hoodie pocket along with my earphone. I head downstairs into my kitchen, opened the fridge and took out OJ carton, pour it in the glass and drank all of it.

I came out of the house living all the frustration in and locking it behind. I took out my phone and earphone and played the song that comes first on the list which was ' little do you know '. I start jogging. I jogged for a while and reached a point. From here I could see the whole city it was a relaxing point. I run couple miles. Soon it was time to back home. Now I was more relaxed then before. The walk did helped me. The walk back home was of 15 mins.

I unlocked my door, locked it behind and went upstairs. I took off my sweaty clothes and showered myself. After the shower, I went downstairs towards the kitchen made myself some breakfast, two toast and a boiled egg with some OJ.

My whole day went by me doing some assignments, some cleaning and laundry. The time flew by so quickly and I didn't even noticed that it was now time to get ready for the night out with Ryan. Until I heard a knock on the door. I first checked the clock, it showed 5:58 pm and then walked towards my front door. I opened my front door and was met with Ryan dressed in black jeans, white v-neck and black leather jacket and a huge smile which then turn into a frown. He was looking at me from head to toe. I was wearing sweatpants and with simple tank top. I was thinking way he showed up at this time and then I remembered, I mentally slap myself. I completely forgot about the night out with him. But I pretend like nothing is wrong

" are you gonna stand there the whole night or just gonna come in " I moved aside signaling him to come in, trying hard to show that I didn't forgot

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