The Imprint

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"Bones mend and become actually stronger in the very place they were broken and where they have knitted up; mental wounds can grind and ooze for decades and be re opened by the quietest whisper." -Stephen Fry

To say that Ryder  wasn't a fan of teenage drama was an understatement. It was frivolous, completely unimportant. What seemed then like a huge deal would become nothing more than a distant memory within days.

She tended to stray far away from the dramatic. Ryder had enough occurring in her life that she didn't need any over exaggerated mishaps to involve her. Even when people taunted her, she ignored them.

Why would she care what they had to say? They didn't know her. She minded of course. The states, the jeers. It didn't take long for people at her schools to find out about her mother. If it wasn't that, they would prey on her isolated nature and her lack of social skills.

It was human nature- people tried to belittle others to make themselves feel better. They would talk and Ryder would continue on. No one ever got to her.

Meredith Hayes was an exception.

She was on the shorter side, Ryder's 5'8 frame towering above her. Her body was slim and angular, russet skin perfectly clear. Long black hair hung down her back, shining in a way Ryder's never did. It framed her heart shaped face, full lips and dark eyes. She was pretty. But she was also a complete bitch.

Meredith had felt threatened the second Ryder Kane had stepped foot in the school. In a class of 30, who wouldn't notice the new girl? Immediately, she was of interest. Her cascading black waves that stopped above her shoulders, high cheekbones and plump lips complimented her light russet skin. But her ocean blue eyes where what really got everyone talking. Most people on the reserve were full Quiluete. Ryder's father was a pale face and she had inherited his eyes. They contrasted beautifully with her complexion and Meredith hated that.

She also hated that all the boys couldn't seem to take their eyes off of her.

"Say hi to your mommy for me, yeah? I heard there was a sale on cocaine this weekend, wouldn't want her to miss it!"

These words brought Ryder Kane to a standstill. She had been walking through the halls with Seth, conversing lightly about how the Clearwaters dog, Onyx, had caught a rabbit. A gaggle of Seths friends had followed, looking up in awe at the senior who had become famed for her icy nature. They offered her greetings, she offered them glares.

Meredith Hayes had been flirting with the grades golden boy, Quentin Carlson, when Ryder had breezed by. Apparently, she hadn't liked how Quentins eyes had followed Ryder, or how Ryder didn't even spare a glance in their direction. Either way, she had decided to put the new girl in her place. When her remark on Ryder's less than couture backpack hadn't made any mark, Meredith had decided to hit a little closer to home.

"Excuse me?" For many in the cramped hallway, this was the first time they had heard Ryder speak. It was also the first time they had seen her so angry. She turned around to face Meredith, ignoring Seths pleading for her to let it go. Her eyes looked murderous, her jaw clenched and hands balled up in fists. No one talked about her mother like that.

"Does she not like coke?" Meredith raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow, ignoring how her spine straighten at the sound of Ryder's cold tone. "She can probably talk down the price on the heroin then."

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