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Trigger Warning
Domestic Violence, Rape

"Are you sure this is a good idea? I have to be home by 10."

It was the middle of July but the air was cold. The short dress Ryder wore did little to combat the chilly breeze and she folded her arms over herself. The night sky was light, a blue that wasn't dark but still felt like it. That's what Maryland was like. Everything was disengenuine but it felt real.

"Babe, suck it up." Carter laughed, snaking a hand around Ryder's waist. His wore his hat backwards and she had a full view of his chiseled features. The light from the street lamp reflected  over his cheekbones and eyes, creating a harsh image of beauty. "It's just a party." He smiled teasingly down at her and brushed a finger over her collarbone. His eyes met hers and Ryder was hit by a wave of admiration for the older man.

The sounds of music and shouting pounded through the otherwise quiet night. They were in a classy neighborhood, with big houses and trimmed bushes. Carters mustang was parked on the side of the road, the pure white shining in the dim light. Ryder shifted uncomfortably. She hated parties. They were big, and loud, and all she wanted was to stay away from them. But she owed it to Carter. If it made him happy, she would do it.

"Yeah." She smiled softly, pulling out of his arms to pull down the hem of her small dress. "Are you sure I can't change though? This is really reve-"

"Ryder are you seriously pulling this shit again?" Carter rolled his eyes heavily. He was wearing a collared shirt with anchors on it, something that had cost more than a week of Ryder's grocery bills. He liked that stuff. Preppy clothing, sports cars. His parents were always happy to oblige him, to fuel his love for materials.

"I just don't feel that comfortable, Carter." Ryder averted her eyes, not wanting to see him frown.

"Hey." Carter reached out, grabbing onto her hip harshly and pulling her to him. The dress rid up under his hands and he pulled harder, until the tops of her thighs were exposed. The harsh purple of her bruises contrasted with her tanned skin. They were relics of a past argument, when she had pissed him off and not apologized fast enough. "I didn't buy this dress for you to complain about it, Ryder. Do you have any idea what I do for you?"

"Yes, Carter." She looked away, clenching her jaw in embarrassment and apology. "I'm sorry."

"I don't believe you." A hand crept down further, the fingers pressed into her sore flesh. Carter dug his thumbs into the bruises on her legs and smiled as she let out a cry. Even when Ryder's eyes filled with tears, he only pressed harder. "Tell me again."

"I'm sorry, C- Carter." Ryder bit her lip. "I shouldn't have said anything."

"Better." The pressure on her bruises was relieved and Ryder sighed. Carters hands became more gentle, a finger swiping under her eyes to collect the unshed tears. His lips caught hers in a tender kiss. "I'm sorry for hurting you, baby. You know I had to."

"I know." Ryder couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Carters kisses always made her feel so important. They were his apologies for hurting her, even though he only did it because she made him. It was her fault and she knew that. "I'm sorry for making you do that, babe. And I love the dress."

It was short and tight and Ryder hated it. Carter had picked it out in a coral color, which he said looked best on her. It was a halter neck, clinging to the swells of her breasts before traveling down to rest a few inches about her mid thigh. It made her feel disgusting and bare, but she wouldn't tell him that.

It had been half a year with Carter, but it still felt new. She still couldn't fathom that someone as amazing as him had chosen someone like her. His father owned a chain of banks, his mother dined in high societal meetings. He drove a mustang, had a non exhaustible credit card. Carter was gorgeous and popular- could have any girl he wanted. He was a senior, she was a freshman.

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