The Magic Show

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"Why are we in the basement Snowball?" Max asked as he followed the white rabbit down the stairs, Gidget and all his friends, plus a few acquaintances, right behind him. Turning on a light, Snowball looked at the group. "I have brought you here for a magic show," Behind stood a small stage.

"How did you..." Duke started, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. Snowball quickly interrupted, "I found it down here two days ago." Mel and Buddy glanced at each other. "Are you sure it's safe?" Pops asked, squinting his eyes. 

Snowball waved his paw. "Of course it's safe!" he said as he hopped up onstage, the rest gathering on the floor below. Suddenly, a board under Snowball cracked. Luckily, the rabbit jumped out of the way. "Right, I think I'll be leaving now," Ozone announced as he turned around, only to bump into Tiberius. "Actually, I think I'll stay here."

"Alright, let's begin with a volunteer. Tiny Dog, come on up!" Snowball announced, snatching Max's paw. Before he could react, Max found himself on the stage. "Now, fair warning, I'm going to hypnotize you, but you will be fine," Snowball assured Max as he whipped out a gold watch, swinging it back and forth. All the while, he muttered words so quietly that only Max could hear it alone. Eventually, his eyelids gave up the fight.

Once that was done, Snowball cleared his throat and said, "When I clap my paws, you shall become a polar bear from the state of Alaska." And with that, the bunny clapped his paws together. Instantly, Max began to wander around the stage like a bear. He even stood on his hind legs. Most of the pets were laughing their heads off, while some suppressed a small chuckle. Mel was already rolling on the ground. "Return to normal!" Snowball exclaimed, clapping his paws. Max immediately stopped acting like a polar bear and walked off the stage towards Gidget. Then he called Buddy up for his next act.

Gidget wagged her tail as her boyfriend came over. As he sat down next to her, she layed her head against his shoulder. She noticed that Max seemed a little distracted, like he was in a different world. But she shrugged it off and watched the show. However, the show did not last very long once Snowball brought out a chainsaw to cut Buddy in half.

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