Railroad Tracks

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Standing on the top of a snow covered hill, the small group stared at a gigantic locomotive, gleaming in the sun. "The train stops here every week around this time," Sky informed them, looking at the machine. "Then it will travel nonstop until it reaches a town in mid-Canada before coming back here." She turned to address the group, "It'll reach the town in three days. There, you can jump on another train heading for the border." She stepped off to the side to let them pass. "Good luck to you all," she whispered, gazing at her paws.

Ozone was the first to dash over the white snow. "Last one there is declared lazy!" he cried as Leonard raced after him. Mel and Buddy were close on his heels, Sweetpea hovering over their heads. Clambering up, Norman sat on Tiberius's back as they flew over to the train and beat everyone. Chloe stumbled down the hill, tumbling head over heels, before she finally found her feet at the bottom. "Wait for me Rhonda!" Pops called to the tabby as he rolled down. "Thank you for everything," Gidget said to Sky before she and Max raced after the others, Snowball following close behind. The only two left was Duke and Sky. They stood in uncomfortable silence, looking down at their paws.

"Are you sure you can't come with us?" Duke asked, finally finding the words. Or with me, he added silently. But Sky shook her head. "My place is here, and you belong with your friends," she said quietly, looking into Duke's eyes. But he could tell she wanted to be with them. More importantly, she wanted to be with him. A single tear rolled down her face.

Ignoring it, Sky leaned over and gave Duke's cheek a light lick, whispering softly in his ear, "I'll never forget you." With that, she turned away, her fluffy tail drooping down. Duke watched her leave, his heart filled with a familiar yet unknown emotion. Could this be love? he asked himself. If so, this must be how Max feels when he's away from Gidget. Sadly, he followed his pals, who were already on board.

"There you are! What took you so long?" Buddy exclaimed, waiting by the doors. Instead of answering his question, Duke sat in silence and stared out at the landscape before him as the train began to move. Suddenly, a long and mournful howl rose from somewhere among the trees. "Was that a wolf?!" Mel whimpered, trembling beside his pals. Some of the other pets muttered an answer. But Duke knew it wasn't the howl of a lone wolf.

It was the howl of a broken heart. Sky's broken heart.

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