Prologue - How It Starts

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Prologue - How It Starts

Author's Note: Okay, first off, let me start by saying that this fanfiction is inspired by another fanfiction called: The Music of E.N.D. by JellyNinjaFish65. This is an amazing fic, and no, I didn't ask permission to take inspiration from this piece, but I'll give credit where credit is due. That mentioned, I did NOT adopt this story in any way, shape, or form. I would like to thank the author of the previously mentioned fanfiction for publishing such a lovely story. Also, constructive criticism is welcomed as I'm trying to improve my writing as a whole (as well as get these odd ramblings out of my head, I have too much school work for that). Trigger warnings: Depression, attempted suicide, PTSD. Read at your own risk, you have been warned. By the way, I haven't decided on an update schedule for this. Please be patient while I do, thank you. I would like to get ahead of the game, which may be hard as I have another (Naruto) fanfiction.

Onto the summary.

Editor's Note: Annnnndddddd...... I am back! Welcome to the rebooted version of The Beat of War Drum! At the time I am writing this note, I am just beginning the editing process! When I first finished this story, I felt that I did not do a very good job with it. There were things I didn't do well, and I felt that I couldn't convey certain aspects of the story correctly. Hopefully, I will be able to fix that now! So please enjoy this rewrite and come say hello by following the links in my bio that lead to all sorts of places, from my social media to my just-launched Redbubble shop!


Natsu Dragneel was an odd boy to say the least. "I was raised by a dragon!" he proclaimed, rather frequently at that. Natsu Dragneel is a member of the famed Fairy Tail mage guild, and he's an odd ball like everyone else in the guild. But, just how odd is he? Does anyone in Fairy Tail truly know him? Or is he right when thinking, "Onii-chan knows best."

A tale in which Natsu knows about his past, about his family, from the very beginning. Two older brothers, Actin "Acnologia" Dragneel and Zeref Dragneel.

But what if Natsu isn't just a fire dragon slayer? What if Natsu isn't just a demon of Zeref's books? What if this affinity for black magic was hereditary, and it came from a girl raised by dragons? Zera Dragneel, the first human to wield magic, and the girl who gave up everything to magically bind the spirits of the dead back into their afterlife.

Follow the story that begins with the girl who started it all, the brothers powerful enough to be called The Three Sons of Zera, and of course, our favorite fire dragon slayer, as he figures out how to keep his "business life" and "family life" away from each other, lest they both be destroyed.

But, which one is which? Who exactly does Natsu consider to be his family? Where do his loyalties lie? How can he possibly control the horrifying death magic that seeps from his pores? And most importantly, how is he going to keep the demons of the world at bay before they destroy everyone? 

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