Chapter 11 - The Battle (2)

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Chapter 11

Zeref's P.O.V.

The sheer numbers of the enemy is nearly impossible to deal with. No area in the barrier has broken yet, but it might at any given moment. Despite all of the effort going in to keep the barrier intact, at least for Natsu's battle with Nilvashka, the barrier is becoming steadily more weak. It's only a matter of time now until the barrier breaks. We're trying our best to keep everything going as smoothly as possible, but I hope to Ankhseram that Natsu hurries up with his fight. Actin, Kida, and I are working tirelessly to keep the creatures away from the barrier, but they seem to be flocking toward the opposite side from where we are. They've begun to learn where our attacks are originating from, and we can only do so much. They're avoiding us easily. The eternano content in the air is nearly unbearable. So much magic is being used, it's nearly suffocating. The eternano weighs down the air, making it hard to breathe. I take another deep breath, forcing myself to create another stream of magic. I create barriers in the air to deflect my stream of magic and bounce it around inside the barrier. I start trying to make it seem like we're attacking from more than one area.

The magic in the air grows steadily thicker and harder to bare. I can feel something happening behind me. Something is drawing in the eternano, and I can breathe a bit easier. I feel it collecting behind us and resist the urge to turn around.

"Oh my god!" Kida suddenly exclaims.

"What?!" Actin and I shout at once, turning to her while keeping our magic going. What we see upon turning around makes our flow of eternano halt. She had turned to see what was drawing in the thick eternano, and before us were two people, a woman with black hair and scarlet eyes, and a man with pink hair and onyx eyes. I feel my entire body go rigid at the sight.

"Mother, Father?" Actin asks, finding his voice first. The forms of our parents, shimmering and glowing, stand just behind Kida, both smiling at us. Their smiles seem weary and sad. Mother glances around for a moment before staring straight into the barrier with a slight nod. She must've been wondering where Natsu is. I feel my heart break for her, unable to see her third son once more.

"Hello, children." Mother greets warmly. I feel my lips tremble. I had nearly forgotten the faces of my parents, and now, here they are! If only Natsu were here to see them as well, we could have a family reunion. My parents could meet my sons and my wife, if only we had met under better circumstances.

"How are you here?" I find myself asking, taking a staggering step forward. My entire body is shaking in relief. Mother and Father always took care of everything, giving me a false sense of security now.

"We are here only because of Lady Zera's magic." Father answers. His face is grim, despite Mother's warm smile. Her face falls and she sighs, joining Father in the seriousness of the situation.

"What do you mean?" Kida asks. "Why are you here?" she questions, starting to cry. This is the first time that she's ever met her parents. She desperately wanted to hear them say that they were here because they wanted to see her. Such is the life of a child born in war. Now, we face utter annihilation, and she would've died happy had she been told that her parents just wanted to see her face one last time.

"My dear, we're here because there is something that all of you must know, and our time is short." Mother says softly, touching Kida's cheek. She smiles despite her tears and leans into Mother's touch, as fake as it is.

"What is it?" Actin asks. I watch them carefully as they exchange a glance.

"Nilvashka is the true creator of Black Magic." Father says. I feel my eyes widen and my blood run cold. If she knows Black Magic, Natsu doesn't stand a chance. "She's Lady Zera's mother." he concludes. I watch Kida break down as she turns to me. I feel Lucy's eyes on me as well. Natsu won't survive if his magic is so useless against her. He has her beaten in sheer power, but she'll still demolish him with her superior magic and knowledge.

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