Chapter 7 - Hell is Relative

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Chapter 7

Natsu's P.O.V.

"What the hell was that about?!" Erza exclaims the second the door closes behind Zeref and his Spriggans. I glance at her from the corner of my eye before turning to Gildarts. Most of the guild looks surprised and disturbed. Makarov simply looks troubled, but Gildarts looks suspicious. Gildarts knows just why a Zerian Black Mage's eyes turn red, either extreme emotion or the use of magic, and Zeref obviously wasn't using magic. Not to mention, he was pale and weary-looking, which must be troubling to Gildarts. Anything that can make one of the strongest Black Mages of all time tremble in their boots in front of a crowd probable wasn't a good thing.

"He was pretty freaked out, wasn't he?" Gildarts asks, looking directly at me. A few people in the guild give him questioning looks, wondering what he's talking about. Sure, Zeref was pale, but wasn't he always? They were thinking things through without all of the information, which was never the way to get the right answer.

"Well, he has a reason to be." I say cryptically. It's not like I can just chirp, "Hey, I'm gonna be the Black Mage's new ally!" to the entire guild. That might get me killed, even here with people who think of me like family. The fact that I humored Zeref is incriminating enough, thank you very much.

"What do you mean?" Laxus intervenes. I grin as wide as I can, turning to him and watching through near-closed eyes. I decide that being insanely cryptic is the only way to escape without blurting out, "I'm gonna fight in another war, bitches!" because saying that would probably earn me a Lucy-kick.

"A storm's coming, can you smell it?" I chuckle. I drop my grin into a small smirk and tuck my chin into my scarf, giving him and the rest of my guild a condescending look. Being silly and not making any sense is one of the good things about being totally insane. My thoughts don't usually make a whole lot of sense, so all I have to do is say the first kind of truthful thing that comes to my mind.

"What the hell are you talking about, salamander?" Gajeel asks. He and the rest of the guild look totally bewildered. Good, it serves them right for thinking that I'm stupid for all of this time. I'll show them.

"What did Zeref do to you?" Gray exclaims. He looks repulsed. Too bad for him that Zeref didn't do anything to me. I'm being crazy to protect myself.

"Hm?" I hum, turning directly to Gray, my smile dropping away completely. "Oh, Zeref didn't do anything to me." I say easily. "I'm just being myself." I smile. 'Shit, I didn't mean to say that.' I think, hiding a scowl.

"Nah, you're totally acting funny, flame-for-brains." Gray argues, as if he's trying to make sense of my new attitude.

"Am I?" I ask, feigning being insulted. "I guess that I just can't see it. Oh, and Gajeel?" I say. "Zeref's a total scaredy-cat. He's afraid of thunder." I chuckle teasingly. Making fun of my brother is always one of the best ways to get out of any situation. It's all the more funnier because this little tid bit is actually true. Zeref's afraid of thunder, or at least he was when we were children.

"You're kidding, right?" Lucy mutters, looking disturbed. I suppose that the idea that the most evil Black Mage of all time is afraid of such a simple natural phenomenon must be rather mystifying. After all, they don't know him the way I do.

"No, I'm not." I deadpan. "He's a total kitten." I continue, waving my hand like it's nothing but water under the bridge.

"What were you guys talking about?" Gildarts asks. It's amusing. I would have thought by now that he's realizing I won't say anything incriminating about my big brother.

"The storm." I reply. I give him a grin. "I think that I'll be taking my leave now, too." I purse my lips into an unfortunate smile. "Just so you know, I won't reveal anything about my little conversation with the big, bad Black Mage." I chuckle, looking at them as if they're adorable little pets. "I'll see you tomorrow. Ah, and make sure to carry an umbrella." I say in farewell, following Zeref and his Spriggans out of the guild hall.

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