Chapter 1 - Zera

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Chapter 1 - Zera

A/N: Prologue is short, sorry. I just wanted to give you guys a little insight as to how Zera came about. And yes, Zera is an oc, I guess. I stole the name from someone already in Fairy Tail, and you'll know why eventually. Chapter 1 starts our journey with Natsu! Sorry for taking so long to decide, but for now, updates will probably be every two weeks on Wednesday.

Editor's Note: So, with this, I wanted to sort of expand on the lore behind Black Mages in Fairy Tail. Zeref's lack of control of his curse inspired the idea that Black Magic itself cannot be controlled fully and isn't necessarily the fault of the mage. So, the idea that it isn't something fully in their control really intrigues me. If you remember the old version, come tell me what you think of the changes. Give me some encouragement on my other platforms or get some cool products on my Redbubble!

Chapter 1

Third Person P.O.V.

A large, violet-scaled dragon lifts its head from the ground tiredly. The dragon's slitted eyes land on a little girl. She's dressed in rags and seems very young, but you could already tell that she would be beautiful after maturing a bit. She has shoulder-length black hair, but it looks almost violet with the way that the light shines on it. Her eyes are blood red, as scarlet as a sunset, with a black pupil with a black ring around it. The eyes made her seem a bit sinister, despite being a tiny, naïve child.

The dragon tilts its head at the child. She mirrors the dragon's move, tilting her head the same way. She doesn't seem scared. The dragon realizes that this child must think that the dragon is harmless while resting. Or maybe she's curious despite the danger. The dragon is almost insulted by the way the child's eyes gleam trustingly.

Dragons are inherently dangerous creatures, especially to small, weak prey such as a human youth. Its claws are made for shredding. Its teeth are made for tearing. Its scales are stronger than any human armor. Its wings are made for fast, hard battle flight. It is a creature with powerful magic. It is a higher being built for murder and death, from the cells up.

"Do you think me harmless, child?" the dragon murmurs. Its tone is hard and should be frightening.

"No," the girl replies. "I was just cur-cur-" she stutters, proving her youth with her difficulty speaking. She doesn't seem the slightest bit scared though.

"Curious?" the dragon provides.

The girl's face turns as scarlet as her eyes and she nods briskly, pouting a bit.

The dragon chuckles at the child's antics. "What is your name, girl?"

The girl tilts her head curiously at the dragon. "What's a name?" she asks.

And the dragon had never heard a question like that. A name is the basis for every part of a creature's identity. Every living thing, from the higher, magical beings, to each individual blade of grass has a name.

"What are you called, child?" the dragon rephrases.

"I suppose that I'm called 'child,'" she responds dubiously.

"Are you saying that you have no name?"

"None so that I can remember," the little girl chirps.

The dragon hums, considering the odd situation. Human children are usually incapable of surviving on their own so young. The dragon would feel bad about leaving a little human girl without a name. Every creature has a title, a name. And although only higher creatures bear names of power, the individuality that comes with a name is important.

"How about I grant you a name?" the dragon asks.

As a higher creature, the dragon has given many names and monikers, naming others friends, or enemies, or something else entirely. Though this name would bear no essence behind it, the name would have importance to the human child.

"Huh? Really?" the girl asks hopefully, grinning with a gap-toothed smile.

"Yes," the dragon nods solemnly.

"What sort of name would you give me, mister dragon?" the child questions.

"Well, perhaps something pretty would suit you," the dragon ponders. "Something like Belle?"

"Belle? Something pretty? But I'm much more than pretty, mister dragon," she pouts.

"Are you?" the dragon grunts, raising its head. "What would you say your most important attribute is then, child?"

"My magic, of course! It's really strong and amazing, but all of the other people think it's scary," she explains solemnly.

"You have magic?"

"Yes!" she grins. "I can make things and change things and make things happen,"

A human possessing magic? Such a thing is unheard of. Though humans have become more resilient over the millenia since their beginning, none have ever come close to the prowess of a higher being. None have ever had magic. Perhaps this child is the first seed of change for humans.

"Perhaps Zera, then," the dragon offers.

"Zera? What does it mean?" the strange child asks.

The dragon sighs. "It means seed. If you truly have magic, as you say that you do, then you will undoubtedly act as the first seed of change for humanity," it explains.

The little girl ponders the name offering for a moment before smiling brightly.

"Yes!" the child squeals. "Zera! I think it suits me," she says smugly.

"Indeed it does, Zera,"

"What's your name, mister dragon?" Zera asks, folding her hands together and smiling.

"I am called The Discerning One, Emegene," the dragon states.

"Emegene? I thought dragons had longer names!" Zera questions.

"Yes, we do, Zera. Higher beings have many names. Emegene is my common name," Emegene explains.

"Oh, that makes sense!" Zera chirps.

"Where are your caretakers, Zera?" Emegene asks.

"I don't have any, Emegene," the child answers.

Emegene ponders Zera's answer. Who knows where the child came from? But now she is here and has no other means for survival if no one helps her. Life is a precious thing, especially the life of a little seed such as Zera.

"I suppose that I can take care of you then, Zera,"

Edited 12-15-2020

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