Chapter 2 - The Backstory

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Author's Note: I originally planned on not letting chapter 526 of the Fairy Tail Manga affect my story, but I decided that I'll change some things. Basically, I was planning for Larcade to be Mavis's and Zeref's son, and I'll keep that part. But I'll also incorporate poor little August into things. August will be the elder brother of Larcade, and he will be younger. I'm making August in be around Gildarts's age. I'm sorry about the slow updates, but I'll stick to my current schedule until the end of the manga, which will be coming at the end of the current arc. Once the manga ends, I'll likely do weekly updates if I can manage. This chapter is just more information about the history involved in the story, and pretty much all of it is my imagination. There aren't current names for the Mama and Papa Dragneel, so Alioma and Aki are my substitutes until we do know. Just in case you haven't noticed, manga spoilers! Enjoy!

The Backstory

 "Mama, Papa, will you tell me the story of our home?" a tiny Natsu begs. It's time for his bedtime story, and this one had been his favorite since Zeref left for Mildia Magic Academy. His brother had often told Natsu this very story, and aside from his mother's singing, it was one of his favorite things. His mother sighs in a false exasperation. She was actually quite happy that Natsu had taken such an interest in history. The history of their people was indeed interesting. It reminded her of her eldest son, Actin, who had been very interested in it himself before running off to fight in the Dragon Civil Wars. It was particularly interesting because Natsu and Actin hadn't met before he went off, yet they were so incredibly similar.

"Alright." she huffs teasingly, and begins the story.

There was once a young girl who was raised by a dragon. This child's name was Zera Meyers. Zera wasn't quite normal. She had this great talent for creating things. She used the energy within her body to create things, or to make things happen. The dragon that took care of Zera told her that this was magic, but that he had never seen or heard of magic quite like hers. It had a black energy that would gather around her. It was a bit dangerous when she lost control of it. Zera and the dragon had witnessed together that her magic killed the things around her if not controlled.

After some research, Zera confirmed that her magic was indeed new. She named this magic Black Magic after the color of the energy. As she went through her life, she discovered that the things she used the magic for were very different, and created subcategories. Thus was born the magics Starlit Arachnae Black Magic, Moonlight Eclipse Black Magic, Sunlight Solstice Black Magic, Ankhseram Black Magic, and Black Magic Incantations. These are the five main branches of Black Magic. Lady Zera grew up into a fine young woman and her draconic caretaker perished. Lady Zera went off on her own, exploring the world and the places that she had not yet seen.

Lady Zera went on to marry Zacharias Dragneel. They had two children, Toshi Dragneel and Elayna Meyers. It was shortly after this that Lady Zera heard the rumors of a land of sin. Nothing good would come of going there, and no one had ever come back after setting foot on the island. There were reports from the neighboring island, however, that there were hostile dragons living on the island.

Lady Zera became curious and the family decided to make an appearance on the island. After arriving, however, Zera discovered that there were in fact hostile dragons, but these dragons were dead. It was a manifestation of the souls of dead dragons. Zera was attacked, even by the dragon that gave her the name that would quickly become known worldwide. She took action, and out of the eternano on the island, she created structures made from magic energy. The souls were drawn into these buildings, and trapped there for eternity. It was this action that made Lady Zera a hero, but it also led to her death. Three days later, Lady Zera perished in her sleep from magic depletion. Her children settled here, on this magic infused island. As dragons continued to die, they were drawn to the dragon temples Lady Zera erected. For centuries, the world was peaceful.

"And you, my dear, are a descendant from both Toshi Dragneel and Elayna Meyers, which is why your name is Natsu Zera-Toshi-Elayna Meyers-Dragneel." Alioma, Natsu's mother, finishes warmly. Alioma leans over and kisses her son on the forehead. Aki, her husband, pulls the covers over Natsu and they wish him good night, leaving for their own room. They had never truly told Natsu the whole story, though. They had never told their youngest son that all those in the lineage of Lady Zera, Zerian Black Mages, leaned towards the crazier side of life. They didn't tell him that Zerian Black Mages weren't quite sane.

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