Chapter 9 - It's a Long Story...

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Author's Note: Hey, I'm back! Not that I was gone for very long... This story will end on chapter 15, so we are very quickly coming to an end. I'm looking for a beta-reader for my original novel The Path to Despair. Message me if you're interested. I have a Twitter and a Tumblr now, so follow me there if you feel like it.

I want to start a little email circle thing for authors. It'll be specifically for critiquing and the like. I know how hard it can be to leave a comment like that for everyone to see. Message me your email if you're interested.

Current update schedule: SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY.

Excuse me while I go try to ignore my sunburns. Slip and sliding, man.

Chapter 9

One Week Later - Natsu's P.O.V.

As I open the doors of the guild hall, everyone inside goes silent. Over the two weeks I had been training with my family, I had never failed to show up at the guild every day, even if it was just for a couple of minutes. I'm sure that everyone had been scared at my sudden disappearance. I suppose that they had a reason to worry about me during the past week, seeing as how I don't remember most of it. There's a collective gasp as the guild gets a good look at me, and I can't blame them. The left half of my face is bandaged along with the top of my head as a precaution to keep me from getting a concussion, which would be detrimental to my fragile health. My entire torso is in bandages, my vest and scarf put on cautiously over them, and what's left of my right arm, the stump, is thoroughly bandaged against my side to keep it from moving. I'd bet that I look like a mess, but Zeref hadn't let me look at myself before helping me down the mountain and to Magnolia.

"Natsu! What happened?" Lucy exclaims, worry written all over her face. I give my guild the best sad smile that I can, seeing as how they can see half my mouth.

"It's nothing that you guys need to know about, yet." I answer, getting the words out, albeit a bit slurred, through my bandages. "Master, may I speak to you in private?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and turning to the short man. He has a sad look on his face, as if he's wondering why one of his children has been suffering in silence. I feel bad for leaving him in the dark for so long, but it had to be done. Now, I need to destroy his distorted mental image of me, even though that will hurt him.

"Of course, my boy." he answers, taking in my new appearance with a pale face. I nod and do my best to follow him up the stairs to his office. I grip the railing hard in my left hand and lean against it a bit as I force my feet to make the ascent up the stairs. I carefully turn my head to look at both of my feet as I walk, reminding myself that I'm now blind in one eye. Makarov allows me to enter into his office first, closing the door behind me. I gratefully sink into a chair as Makarov steps around his desk to seat himself. "What happened, Natsu?" he asks, folding his hands in his lap. His voice sounds sad.

"It's kind of a long story, but I'll explain everything." I chuckle. "First of all, I'd like to say that I'm going to need some help in an upcoming battle. After I'm done explaining, please tell me if you'll be willing to help us or not." I request, knowing that he'll need to think it over and that it's best that we go into this with that frame of mind.

"I will consider it, but do know that the fact that you're asking about this ahead of time worries me greatly." Makarov replies stoically. I nod.

"I understand." I reply. "Okay, I suppose that familial relations are something I should get out of the way quickly." I laugh half to myself. "I have two older brothers and a younger sister." I state. "Both of my brothers are married with children, and one of my nephews is engaged." I continue. Makarov raises an eyebrow in curiosity, wondering why I'm talking about this. "My eldest brother's name is Actin, although you know him by the name Acnologia." I say. Makarov's eyes widen in disbelief. "My older brother is Zeref." I continue, closing my eyes against Makarov's surely slack-jawed reaction to this turn of events. "My little sister is Kida, and she's an etherious. Actin's wife, the redhead from Zeref's visit, is named Eileen Belserion and she's the creator of Dragon Slayer Magic. She's also a dragon because she underwent Dragonification, and she's an enchantress." I explain, opening my eyes again to look for any sort of confusion. "Their son is sixteen, and his name is Konan. Konan uses Eternano Transfer Magic." I say. "Eternano Transfer Magic is basically a form of magic that turns eternano into magic energy and allows it to be moved." I explain, watching Makarov carefully. He doesn't seem confused, which means that he's likely heard of this sort of magic before. I take a deep breath, knowing that I'll need to ease into the next part. "Zeref is married to Mavis," I start.

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